Who is Demi Minor? Trans woman who impregnated 2 inmates in women's prison moved to MALE facility

BURLINGTON COUNTY, NEW JERSEY: An incarcerated transgender woman has been accused of impregnating two fellow inmates at a New Jersey women’s prison. The incident prompted officials to move Demi Minor, 27, from the Edna Mahan Correctional Facility for Women to the Garden State Youth Correctional Facility last month. The latter is a prison for young adults in Burlington County.
Dan Sperrazza, a Department of Corrections spokesman, told NJ.com that the DOC moved Minor to the vulnerable unit at the facility where she is the only woman prisoner at present. Minor's move comes months after it was revealed she had impregnated two fellow inmates after engaging in “consensual sexual relationships with another incarcerated person.”
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New Jersey enacted a policy in 2021 that allows prisoners to be housed according to their preferred gender identity. The policy was part of a settlement from a civil rights suit that a woman forced to live in men’s prisons for 18 months had brought. However, Minor claimed in a blog that she was being forced to stay with male prisoners.
Who is Demi Minor?
Not much is known about Demi minor except that she is reportedly serving a 30-year sentence for manslaughter and is eligible for parole in 2037. "On June 24, 2022 I was shipped to Garden State Youth Correctional Facility (male facility), due to the fact that I had hung myself in the van, I was placed on Sui-cide watch, prior to going to this darkly lot cell, I attempt to ask Officers if I could be strip searched by a female officer which I felt comfortable doing …The Lieutenant refused and mocked me as I asked for this, he said if I did not follow his commands to allow two male officers to strip search me he was going to cut all my clothes off of me and place me in a dry cell. I cried and complied with his commands as the male officer said things to me that I perceived as wrong. I was placed in a dark cell within Detention housing, as inmates who are on watch are placed in the detention unit and not the infirmary!" Minor wrote of her experience on her blog.
"Subsequently I was transferred to New Jersey State Prison, where guards continued to call me he and him….I was called he and him well over 30 times, this has not happened to me in years being referred to primarily as a man. When I arrived at Trenton state prison several guards strip searched me and placed me in the infirmary on constant watch. While on constant watch I was off camera where a guard told me “I don’t give a fuck what you do ….there is no camera here..” “everyone here is man including you”. Each time they opened my door I was handcuffed and yanked by officers using a handcuff belt. I was scared that I refused to speak, I kept shaking by the site of their billy clubs that they held in their hand," she added.

"This is the hell that NJDOC wants to put me through, this is my punishment for what occurs over 2 months ago, they have violated my right to be safe and free from sexual harassment, by putting me in one of the most violent youth Correctional facilities," Minor said. She went on to claim that she was attacked by young inmates. She narrated an incident where she was in medication line when an inmate came and told her, "I am not standing behind no fag" and then went on to spit at her. "I came back and washed my clothing’s knowing deep down, that I can not and will not live like this!! I don’t think DOC realizes the psychological damage that has been done from moving me out of a womens prison to a male facility, its harsh and, I don’t know what its like to live as a man, and In refuse to ever revert back to such habits or behavior," Minor wrote.
Minor said that the prison does not have cable and does not allow video visits. "As a woman who is transgender I truly fear what lies ahead for me, its clear that staff have looked for some kind of security reason to kick me out of the only female correctional facility, they have thrown me to the wolfs and expected for me just gave up, I am baffled and disgusted by this use power and I can only ask that the commissioner and governors office please send me back. I don’t deserve to be treated like this," she wrote.
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The DOC told NJ.com that “the department is currently reviewing the policy for housing transgender incarcerated persons with the intention of implementing minor modifications.” The spokesperson added that housing decisions “are made within the parameters of the settlement agreement which requires consideration of gender identity and the health and safety of the individual.” They confirmed, however, that they follow the 2021 policy that allows prisoners to be housed according to their preferred gender identity.