'Deadliest Catch' Season 16 Episode 12: 'Scumbag Harley's back', say fans after Southern Wind skipper returns

Spoilers for 'Deadliest Catch' Season 16 Episode 12 'Dutch Harbour Double Cross'
Not a lot of fans were pleased when they saw Southern Wind skipper Steve Harley Davidson return to the show after a hiatus. However, that gave them a chance to slam him again on Twitter, especially after he lectured Casey McManus and Josh Harris of the Cornelia Marie about being unethical. Fans who have had a beef with the skipper since he pulled some shady moves during the first half of the season were livid after he threatened the young skippers who outwitted him in a deal that was struck.
"#DeadliestCatch f**k Harley. That is bulls**t if the cameras were right he took their pot and unloaded the crab from it onto his boat. Isn't that theft? That dude is a #D**k," a fan tweeted. "Tonight's #DeadliestCatch thoughts... Harley (the dude checking others' pots on the sly and setting down on people) lecturing @McManus_Casey about trust and ethics is laughable. Didn’t like him before and REALLY don’t like him now," opined one of the fans.
"Harley just leeches off people He shouldn't call himself a fisherman Unless he's fishing for boats #DeadliestCatch," a fan wrote. "Scumbag Harley's back y'all," a fan remarked. "Captain of the Southern Wind is such an a*****e. I hope this is the last season he’s on the show. #DeadliestCatch," a fan tweeted. "I want to know how @JoshHarrisDC and @McManus_Casey didn't tell Harley to go f**k himself? @DeadliestCatch #DeadliestCatch #corneliamarie," one of the fans asked.
"Why is CaptainHarley on the show? For laughs? He couldn’t catch crabs from a hooker. His act is weak. Time to cut him loose. #DeadliestCatch," a fan said. "Not a fan at all of Harley of the Southern Wind. #DeadliestCatch His vibe is always off and it seems he can’t catch a bunch of fish on his own," a fan tweet read. "Harley calls Josh and Casey snakes. He's the king cobra himself. Thief. #DeadliestCatch," read another. Here's one from a fan who had the final say. "Josh and Casey showed more class than Harley today. Harley talked down to Casey that's why Casey kept quiet. Now, karma is going to bite Harley in the butt. Watch and see. May not be tonight, but it is coming I can guarantee you that. #DeadliestCatch."
What are your thoughts on Harley's behavior in today's episode?
'Deadliest Catch' Season 16 airs on Tuesdays at 8 pm ET on Discovery.