Will DC Comics layoffs cripple the industry? Fans worry if brick-and-mortar comic book stores can handle this

The pandemic has hit the comics industry hard as a whole, but perhaps no company has worked harder to adapt to it all than DC Comics. Arguably the company that has experienced the greatest change to its operations since the pandemic began, DC has pulled out every trick in the book. However, it seems that it was not enough, as it's now undergoing massive layoffs. This might signal the start of lean times ahead for the comics industry as a whole.
DC Comics has done its best to deal with a bad situation in often controversial ways. Most significantly, it cut ties with major comics distributors Diamond Comics, which sent shockwaves through the industry. It's created a whole slew of Digital First comics to keep content going through the pandemic. It's done its best to support a new mature Black Label line, which began shortly before the pandemic hit. It's also being forced to move a number of its DC Universe exclusive shows to HBO Max. It's also hyped up its own version of Comic Con — the virtual DC Fandom event, which hits the internet in about two weeks and promises some major celebrity guests and announcements for future projects.
All of this has not been enough to keep it from enforcing layoffs, however. According to The Hollywood Reporter, "roughly one third of DC's editorial ranks are being laid off." The names of those who have been laid off include editor-in-chief Bob Harris, senior VP of publishing strategy and support services Hank Kanalz, and executive editor Mark Doyle, who oversaw the Black Label line of DC Comics, an offshoot for non-canon, mature tales of the DC Universe. In addition, many of the staff for DC Universe have been laid off as well, in addition to DC Direct, the company’s in-house merchandise and collectibles manufacturer.
DC Comics is one of the Big Two in comics publishing. All eyes are now on Marvel to see how it's holding up, but if a major comics publisher like DC is at risk, it does not bode well for any major comics publisher, be it Marvel, Dark Horse, Image Comics or any other publisher doing their best during the pandemic. Fans are now worried for the sake of the comics industry as a whole.
"Okay, so these DC layoffs are, like, huge and it looks like they may or may not be trying to kill all their angles on they other than the big money makers like movies and Video Games. And that's... that's so messed up. Like, a comics industry without DC COMICS!" writes one worried fan.
Okay, so these DC layoffs are, like, huge and it looks like they may or may not be trying to kill all their angles on they other than the big money makers like movies and Video Games.
— Callian31 (@callian31) August 11, 2020
And that's... that's so messed up. Like, a comics industry without DC COMICS!
Some speculate that this might lead to a greater shift than ever towards digital only comics — a major blow for brick-and-mortar comic book stores throughout the United States. "The comics industry may transition to predominantly-digital, which would kill so many amazing shops. Sadly it would be those who do it for the love of the medium who are hurt, while Disney/Marvel & WB/DC would still profit from digital sales and mail orders," writes a fan.
The comics industry may transition to predominantly-digital, which would kill so many amazing shops. Sadly it would be those who do it for the love of the medium who are hurt, while Disney/Marvel & WB/DC would still profit from digital sales and mail orders.
— Eddie 'Actual Context' Whitman (@Actual_Context) August 11, 2020
Others have a more cynical view of the whole thing, pointing out that layoffs like this hurt the creators the most, while leaving the higher-ups in a relatively safe position. "Once again, as usual in the comics industry, the people who actually produce and make the stories and art we all love to read get tossed out, while the corporate owners who contribute nothing but own the rights get to hold on to it all," writes one fan.
Once again, as usual in the comics industry, the people who actually produce and make the stories and art we all love to read get tossed out, while the corporate owners who contribute nothing but own the rights get to hold on to it all. https://t.co/bkWKjL77vH
— Alex Cruikshanks (@alexcruik) August 11, 2020
For the most part, however, fans are too stunned by the news to be able to even begin to speculate what this might mean for the comics industry as a whole. Scores of fans have taken to Twitter to offer their condolences for those laid off, with one fan writing, "I don't eve know what to say. All of my sympathies to those at DC Comics, both those affected and those who retained their jobs. This is a horrible day for the comics industry (sic)."
I don't eve know what to say. All of my sympathies to those at DC Comics, both those affected and those who retained their jobs. This is a horrible day for the comics industry.
— Zack Davisson - Black Lives Matter (@ZackDavisson) August 11, 2020