Daunte Wright's shooting at Brooklyn Center sparks massive looting: 'Police brutality, time to grab some Nike'

Daunte Wright, 20, was shot dead by police when he was reportedly getting back into his car and driving to Brooklyn Center, northwest of Minneapolis. His relatives alleged that Daunte was shot after being pulled over for displaying an air freshener from his rearview mirror in his mother’s car.
Just moments after the incident, a crowd slowly began gathering around the scene (the intersection of 63rd Avenue North and Lee Avenue North), which also incidentally happens to be very close to the area where George Floyd died last year. By Sunday evening, a huge crowd of protesters took to the streets and clashed with the police outside the precinct. The police had to deploy tear gas and flash-bang grenades to get the protesters to clear up the area, reports the Daily Mail. Some people took advantage of the chaos around them and began looting the nearby shopping malls as well as Walmart and Nike outlets.
Apparently police officers shot someone in Minneapolis, we don’t know all the details yet, but people are already looting Nikes. Looks about right pic.twitter.com/3EUL6ffBfp
— Harry Khachatrian (@Harry1T6) April 12, 2021
The Internet began slamming the people who were looting the stores while protests against the death of Daunte Wright were taking place. Many users pointed out that the people who were engaging in the looting and vandalizing might not even be part of the BLM cause or even know the name of the victim who died in the shooting.
A user tweeted, "Yeah, but they aren’t really protesting. They’re stealing Nikes and twerking. Lol." Another user wrote, "Can someone, preferably a Black person, help me understand why stealing shoes or looting the pharmacy helps their cause? I’m serious... Are Nike shoes magical or equivalent to someone’s life?"
Yeah, but they aren’t really protesting. They’re stealing Nikes and twerking. Lol
— A (@absmith92835) April 12, 2021
Can someone, preferably a Black person, help me understand why stealing shoes or looting the pharmacy helps their cause? I’m serious... Are Nike shoes magical or equivalent to someone’s life?
— Louis JuarezGonzales (@LouisJGonzales) April 12, 2021
Many users also mocked the people for using the protests against 'racial inequality' as an opportunity to loot and steal. A user commented, "Nothing fixes racial inequality like stealing a new set of Nikes." "A black man sneezed, a Police officer offered him a tissue....then Police brutality, time to grab some Nike's because nothing says social justice like stealing from the most woke company in America."
Nothing fixes racial inequality like stealing a new set of Nikes. https://t.co/N388NQZPqh
— Just Another Soldier (@HowAboutNoJack) April 12, 2021
A black man sneezed, a Police officer offered him a tissue....then Police brutality, time to grab some Nike's because nothing says social justice like stealing from the most woke company in America
— Free World (@FreeWor46482734) April 12, 2021
Another user joked, "Like clockwork, black america looting (as in breaking and entering and stealing everything in sight), grabbing Nike kicks and flatscreens because, you know, the pain....." "@GovTimWalz Stop the damn looting that is going on. People who have nothing to do with what happened in Brooklyn Center are being impacted by the low life thugs who think social justice is stealing Nike shoes, and robbing a Wal*mart.," urged a user.
like clockwork, black america looting (as in breaking and entering and stealing everything in sight), grabbing nike kicks and flatscreens because, you know, the pain....
— rclemente (@rclemen29857185) April 12, 2021
@GovTimWalz Stop the damn looting that is going on. People who have nothing to do with what happened in Brooklyn Center are being impacted by the low life thugs who think social justice is stealing Nike shoes, and robbing a Wal*mart.
— Guesswhofartedthisguy (@Guesswhofarted1) April 12, 2021
Minnesota Governor Tim Walz posted a tweet about the situation saying he "mourns another life of a black man taken by law enforcement.” "I am closely monitoring the situation in Brooklyn Center... Gwen and I are praying for Daunte Wright’s family as our state mourns another life of a Black man taken by law enforcement," shared the Governor.
I am closely monitoring the situation in Brooklyn Center. Gwen and I are praying for Daunte Wright’s family as our state mourns another life of a Black man taken by law enforcement.
— Governor Tim Walz (@GovTimWalz) April 12, 2021