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‘Dateline NBC’: Where is Anne Reed Allen now? How a wife abused and murdered her ex-husband

Scott Horn’s murder remains unsolved as his children, Riley and Kelly, continue to honor their father's memory and seek justice for his untimely death
Anne Reed Allen faced serious charges related to Scott's murder, including first and second-degree murder (@nbc)
Anne Reed Allen faced serious charges related to Scott's murder, including first and second-degree murder (@nbc)

LAUREL, MARYLAND: Despite being the prime suspect in her husband Scott Horn's murder, Anne Reed Allen emerged from a grueling legal battle as a free woman, acquitted of all charges related to Horn's death.

Following an exhaustive investigation, prosecutors failed to provide sufficient evidence linking her to the crime scene, despite the presence of their dogs and other circumstantial details. Anne spent a harrowing 18 months behind bars awaiting trial. However, in a stunning turn of events, a Prince George's County jury ultimately acquitted her of first and second-degree murder, conspiracy charges, and the use of a handgun in the commission of a crime.

Despite the cloud of suspicion that surrounded her, Anne was released from custody.

In a case that unfolds like a gripping crime drama, the story of Scott Horn and Anne Reed Allen captivates with its twists and turns, mysteries, and unanswered questions. Scott, a retired FBI agent known for his dedication to justice, met a tragic end in his own home, his life came to an end in a manner that shook the community to its core.

Anne, his wife, found herself thrust into the spotlight as the prime suspect in his brutal murder. But as investigators delved deeper into their tumultuous relationship, uncovering secrets and simmering tensions, the true nature of their marriage came to light 'Dateline NBC' revisits the murky depths of this case again, this Sunday, where truth is elusive, and justice hangs in the balance.

Who is Anne Reed Allen?

Anne Reed Allen is the former wife of Scott Horn, a retired FBI agent who was tragically murdered. Anne worked as a nurse at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C., a hospital known for treating several United States presidents.

Her relationship with Scott was tumultuous, marked by disputes and disagreements, especially during their divorce proceedings. Anne faced serious charges related to Scott's murder, including first and second-degree murder, conspiracy to commit murder, and the use of a handgun in a crime.

Prosecutors alleged that Anne had a motive to kill Scott, citing financial disputes and disagreements over their shared property. However, Anne's defense argued that she was physically incapable of carrying out such a violent act and emphasized the lack of direct evidence linking her to the murder. Despite the allegations against her, Anne was acquitted by a jury in November 2018 after an 18-month trial.

However, her legal troubles did not end there. On the same day as her acquittal, police charged Anne with attempting to influence state witnesses and obstruction of justice. These charges stemmed from allegations that she tried to prevent her adult children from testifying in the murder trial.

Scott was found dead at his home (@NBC)
Scott was found dead at his home (@nbc)

 Anne Reed Allen was described as violent by her daughter 

Anne Reed Allen's behavior was described as erratic and at times, violent, by her daughter Kelly. According to Kelly, Anne's behavior often became unpredictable, leading to conflicts within the family. Kelly recounted instances where Anne's actions turned physically aggressive, creating a tense and volatile atmosphere in their home.

One particular incident shared by Kelly involved borrowing her mother's heels and maintaining a secret Facebook account, which apparently infuriated Anne. In response, Anne allegedly punished Kelly by forcing her to sleep in the hallway for months.

When Scott, Kelly's father, intervened and attempted to address the situation, Kelly claimed that Anne brandished a handgun, escalating the confrontation.

Scott's daughter was also abused by Anne (@NBC)
Scott's daughter was also abused by Anne (@nbc)

Anne and Scott were in an ‘unhappy’ marriage

Anne and Scott Horn's marriage was marked by unhappiness and tension, according to reports and testimonies. Despite outward appearances, which often portrayed them as a typical family, their relationship had deep-seated issues that eventually led to tragedy. Accounts from their daughter Kelly and neighbors revealed a troubled dynamic within the household.

Kelly described her parents' marriage as fraught with conflict, with frequent arguments and disputes punctuating their daily lives. The couple's disagreements reportedly escalated to the point where police intervention became necessary on multiple occasions, resulting in a strained relationship with law enforcement.

Neighbors also agreed to the tumultuous nature of Anne and Scott's marriage, recounting instances of loud arguments and disturbances emanating from their residence. The discord within their relationship was evident to those in their community.

Scott was a retired FBI officer (@NBC)
Scott was a retired FBI officer (@nbc)

Why did Anne kill Scott Horn?

Anne Reed Allen was charged with the murder of her husband, Scott Horn, amidst a backdrop of marital discord and financial disputes. The motive behind the killing was believed to stem from a contentious divorce and disagreements over property and finances.

On the night of March 16, 2017, Scott Horn's life came to a tragic end when he was found dead outside their Laurel, Maryland home. His body bore signs of a brutal assault, having been shot in the neck and then beaten to death with a piece of firewood. The gruesome discovery was made by his son Riley, who stumbled upon his father's battered body near the home's boiler.

Investigators later determined that the gunshot wound inflicted on Scott was not fatal, indicating that he was incapacitated before being subjected to the fatal beating. The weapon used in the assault, a piece of firewood, was believed to have been disposed of in the wood-burning stove connected to the boiler, effectively destroying any evidence of the makeshift weapon.

Anne's involvement in the crime came under scrutiny as she was the only other person present in the house at the time of Scott's murder. Despite her claims of innocence and assertions that she had not seen Scott since the early morning hours, investigators raised suspicions due to inconsistencies in her statements and circumstantial evidence linking her to the crime scene.

Furthermore, Anne's behavior in the aftermath of Scott's death raised further suspicions. Her purported lack of emotional response and attempts to obstruct the investigation pointed towards her potential involvement in the crime. Additionally, the discovery of wood chips bearing Scott's DNA in the washing machine, along with other incriminating evidence, suggested attempts to tamper with evidence and conceal the crime.

Prosecutors alleged that Anne had waited for Scott to return home before carrying out the deadly assault, motivated by a desire to profit from his life insurance policy and gain control over their marital assets.

Scott Horn was killed by his wife Anne (@NBC)
Scott Horn was allegedly killed by his wife Anne (@nbc)

Did the police find Anne guilty?

Anne Reed Allen was not found guilty of the murder of her husband, Scott Horn. Despite being charged with first and second-degree murder, conspiracy to commit murder, and use of a handgun in the commission of a crime, Anne was acquitted of all charges by a Prince George's County jury in November 2018.

Throughout the trial, Anne maintained her innocence, asserting that she had no involvement in Scott's death. Her defense attorneys emphasized the lack of physical evidence linking her to the murder scene, highlighting the absence of her DNA on the wood chips found in the washing machine and the lack of any conclusive proof placing her at the crime scene.

Furthermore, Anne's legal team argued that she lacked the physical capability to carry out the brutal assault on Scott, given her reliance on a cane for mobility. They also emphasized that Anne had no financial motive to want her husband dead, as she had been removed from his life insurance policy and would be burdened with his substantial debts in the event of his death.

Ultimately, the jury deliberated for two days before reaching the verdict of acquittal, effectively clearing Anne of any criminal responsibility in her husband's death.Despite her acquittal, Anne's life was not without legal troubles.

On the same day of her acquittal, police charged her with two felony counts of attempting to influence state witnesses and one count of obstruction of justice. These charges stemmed from allegations that Anne had tried to prevent her adult children from testifying in the murder trial.

Scott Horn was a retired FBI agent (@NBC)
Scott Horn was a retired FBI agent (@nbc)