Daniel Enrique Laso-Guzman: Boy, 9, who died protecting mom rode bike with shooter Francisco Oropesa's son

CLEVELAND, TEXAS: Five people, including a nine-year-old boy, were killed on the night of April 29 at their Texas home by a 38-year-old neighbor, Francisco Oropesa, who was armed with an AR-15-style rifle. Now, as per the latest update, the nine-year-old, who was identified as Daniel Enrique Laso-Guzman, was friends with the suspect’s son.
In a conversation with NBC News, Ramiro Guzman, the uncle of the young victim said he never had any talk with the suspected shooter but his nephew "always would take his bicycle to where the school bus would stop. Sometimes they went together, my nephew and his child. They always went on their bicycles together. They were like friends. And he killed him."
Who was Daniel Enrique Laso-Guzman?
The boy studied at one of the schools from Cleveland Independent School District. He died while trying to protect his mother, Sonia Argentina Guzma, informed his grieving father Wilson Garcia. While the uncle said, "He was a great kid," and further added, "We were so close throughout our whole lives, ever since he was born. I would take him to wherever he wanted to go. After school, he liked to come play with my son. As soon as he got home from school he would come play with my son. He was always there waiting. And now…" "He was very loving, with his siblings, with everyone. He never looked for trouble. He was always very loving," the uncle described.
Cleveland Independent School District held a vigil in the boy's honor and hosted crisis counselors for staff and students. In a Facebook post, they wrote, "Cleveland Independent School District is heartbroken learning the news concerning the death of one of our students. At this time, we cannot elaborate with information due to the ongoing investigation of the horrendous tragedy. Cleveland ISD’s Director of Social Emotional Learning & PBIS; Dr. Hodge, has alerted all Crisis Counselors; these counselors are on call during this weekend for any staff and students that are in need. Monday morning, all of our counselors will be prepared and ready starting at 7 am. We have informed our staff members to contact their Principal or Department Leader if a counselor is needed before Monday [May 1]. All of our prayers and thoughts are with the families and community impacted by this horrible tragedy. Cleveland ISD will take all measures, precautionary needs and any necessary actions to help all of our students and staff during this time, as well as keeping them safe."
How did Daniel Enrique Laso-Guzman die?
Oropesa allegedly opened fire on neighbors after one complained that the sound of shots is not letting an infant sleep, as per Today. The father of the boy narrated the details saying, “So we went and told the man to please stop shooting, or go continue shooting further away from the house. But he answered by saying he was in his property and could do whatever he wants. I said, ‘OK that’s fine. It’s your property, but could you please move further away or turn it down, that’s all. Then he began insulting us and we told him we were calling the cops.”
“We walked inside and my wife was talking to the police, and we called five times because he was being more threatening. We saw him, he was leaving his property and cocked his gun. I told my wife to get inside because he cocked his gun and he might come to threaten us. So my wife said, ‘You go inside, I don’t think he will fire at me because I’m a woman, I’ll stay here at the door,’” CNN stated. But Oropesa proceeded towards their home, shot the boy's mother in the doorway, and then killed three other adults, Diana Velazquez Alvarado, 21; Julisa Molina Rivera, 31; and Jose Jonathan Casarez, 18, and finally, the boy, 9.