Dan Bongino says Biden's 'cognitive decline' is rapidly worsening: 'The Dems will have to make a decision soon'

Former Secret Service Agent and conservative pundit Dan Bongino has declared that Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden is suffering rapid “cognitive decline," according to sources who are "close to the situation." While conservatives have for long questioned Biden's mental acuity to run for the highest office in the country, some Democrats have also acknowledged potential problems he could face as we inch closer to November, Breitbart News reported. "Not a joke and not hyperbole – I’m hearing from people close to the situation that Biden’s cognitive decline is rapidly worsening and is becoming increasingly difficult to mask," Bongino wrote in a Facebook post on Sunday morning. "The Democrats are going to have to make a decision soon," he added.
Last September, during the Democratic Party presidential debate in Houston, Texas, former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Julián Castro appeared to poke fun at Biden's apparent mental decline. “Are you forgetting what you said two minutes ago?” he said on the debate stage after the former vice president denied he had said people would have to “buy-in” to his proposed health care plan.

Speaking to Breitbart News after the event, Castro said he had not meant his remark to be offensive. However, even Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) seemed to raise concerns about Biden in a number of post-debate interviews. He explained he wasn't sure whether the former Delaware Senator had the stamina to run in a competitive presidential race.
Biden's Republican arch-nemesis, President Donald Trump, has not missed an opportunity to mock him throughout the campaign, often referring to him as “Sleepy Joe."
On June 25, the incumbent mocked Biden saying he was unable to "put two sentences together" during a Town Hall with Sean Hannity at Green Bay, Wisconsin. His attack came after the former vice president, 77, said "120M people" had died from coronavirus during a healthcare discussion in Pennsylvania. In reality, 2.4M people were affected in the US while 124,000 had died at the time.
Trump tweeted a video of Biden’s factual errors and said the "fake news media" wouldn’t have spared him if he had said "something so mortifying stupid" and asked why Biden’s blunder wasn’t being reported. The former VP was subsequently roasted on Twitter with some mentioning another occasion when he said 150M people have died in gun violence in America since 2007. Biden made the gun violence claim during the final Democratic primary debate February 25 in South Carolina. “In addition to that, I passed the Brady bill with waiting periods. I led that fight. But my friend on my right,” he said, pointing to Sen. Bernie Sanders, “and others have in fact also gave in to the gun manufacturers' absolute immunity. Imagine if I stood here and said we give immunity to drug companies. We give immunity to tobacco companies. That has caused carnage on our streets; 150 million people have been killed since 2007, when Bernie voted to exempt gun manufacturers from liability. More than all the wars, including Vietnam, from that point on.”

On July 9, Trump mocked Biden once again, saying the latter could not pass a cognitive test. He made the statement while appearing during an interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity. Biden's mental acuity has been under scrutiny for months as critics believe the Democrat may be too old to handle the pressure of running the country if elected in November. Biden, who is only three years older than Trump, will be the oldest person to be elected the US President in the country's history.
Addressing the criticism regarding his age and mental health, the former vice president, in a press conference in July, had stated that he had "constantly" taken cognitive tests. Trump, during the Fox News interview, however, implied that Biden actually meant COVID-19 tests and not cognitive because the Democrat was "confused by the question and the words and everything else."