Nurses bail out dad arrested for breaking traffic laws while rushing choking daughter to hospital

A group of nurses helped bail out a concerned dad after he committed several traffic violations while rushing his one-year-old daughter to the hospital. He was arrested on reaching the hospital.
Darius Hinkle revealed that he drove without a valid license and that he was driving at 100 miles an hour with the police from different agencies trailing behind him. The reason he gave for flouting traffic rules was that he had to save his daughter who was choking on a penny that she had swallowed.
The nurses of Touchette Regional Hospital, where Darius admitted his daughter, came to the man's rescue when they pooled in the money to bail out the father. Darius' wife noticed the presence of a woman that they did not know and later realized that the nurses had bailed her husband out. According to a report in The Epoch Times, Darius said, "I can’t thank them enough," as he spoke about the nurses who bailed him out.
He also added, "The first thing on my mind was to get her to the hospital." In a similar incident, a man was given a speeding ticket in 2017 when he was rushing his pregnant wife whose water had just broken to the hospital. Abraham Steinfeld’s wife was in labor when they got in a car to get admitted at Monmouth Medical Center in Long Branch. Abraham began speeding when his wife realized that the birth was nearing and as a result, a Howell Police Officer pulled them over.

According to The Lakewood Scoop, Abraham said, "I became quite frantic, so I automatically picked up speed, without realizing I was going way over the speed limit. When the officer was verifying Abraham's documents, his wife's water broke. While he was let off after receiving a speeding ticket, this incident started off a debate on social media with people siding with and against Abraham for what he had done.
The Howell Police Department issued a statement saying, “Both the operator of the vehicle, his pregnant wife and the officer were calm, respectful and courteous to one another. We commend them [the Steinfelds] for their respectful demeanor under the circumstances. However, the officer acted appropriately, and any suggestion that the officer’s conduct was improper, unprofessional or inhumane simply contradicts the video evidence. We are happy to hear the occupants arrived safely at the hospital and had a successful delivery. We wish them the best."