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'Crisis on Infinite Earths' Part 3: Here's the lowdown on all the 7 Paragons of the Arrowverse

The 7 Paragons are stuck at the Vanishing Point with no clear way out or anywhere to go. They are the only living beings left in existence and one way or another, it's up to them to reverse the effects of the 'Crisis'

The 'Crisis on Infinite Earths' is hurtling towards its climax with the complete destruction of the multiverse in Part 3 (or 'The Flash' Season 6 Episode 9, if you'd prefer). The war is lost, the Anti-Monitor (LaMonica Garrett) has won, and the last hope of the multiverse lies in the hands of seven heroes, the Paragons

Sounds really impressive, except that the seven Paragons are all stuck at the Vanishing Point with no clear way out or anywhere to go.

They are the only living beings left in existence and one way or another, it's up to them to reverse the effects of the 'Crisis'. So here are the Paragons who hold the fate of the multiverse in their hands: 

Sara Lance of Earth-1: Paragon of Destiny

The captain of the Waverider, Sara Lance / White Canary (Caity Lotz), is the Paragon of Destiny, apparently because she's a time-traveling captain. Besides, nobody has changed her own destiny more than Sara Lance. 

Kara Zor-El of Earth-38: Paragon of Hope

Supergirl / Kara Danvers (Melissa Benoist) being the Paragon of Hope wasn't that huge a surprise. After all, that's what Kryptonians are all about: finding hope even in hopeless places. 

Kate Kane of Earth-1: Paragon of Courage

Batwoman / Kate Kane (Ruby Rose) actually had to go on a whole mission before she found out she's the Paragon of Courage. We were initially led to believe that Batman (Kevin Conroy) would be the Paragon in the family but unfortunately, the version of the Dark Knight we met in 'Crisis on Infinite Earths' was absolutely insane, which left Kate as the only Bat-person available to step up to the mantle. 

Kal-El of Earth-96 / Lex Luthor of Earth-38: Paragon of Truth

Brandon Routh in Crisis on Infinite Earths (The CW)

A version of Superman who lost everything (including his shot at a franchise), Kal-El (Brandon Routh) was supposed to be the Paragon of Truth until Lex Luthor (Jon Cryer) usurped his position using the Book of Destiny. So that makes Lex Luthor the Paragon of Truth in the most dishonest way possible.

Barry Allen of Earth-1: Paragon of Love

To be honest, Barry Allen / The Flash (Grant Gustin) is a paragon of every quality on this list but it seems he has a greater capacity for love than anyone else, not that we have any reliable way to measure that. In any case, Barry is the Paragon of Love, though we're yet to find out what that means in the long run.  

J'onn J'onnzz of Earth-38: Paragon of Honor

The Martian Manhunter / J'onn J'onnzz (David Harewood) is a lot of things but above all, he's a warrior with a strict code of honor, a code so strict that it actually makes him the Paragon of Honor. Once again, we don't know what his actual role in the 'Crisis' is going to be or why his honorable nature is so important to defeating the Anti-Monitor but we're still glad to have him around nonetheless.

Ryan Choi of Earth-1: Paragon of Humanity

Ryan Choi (Osric Chau) is a normal human being and the Paragon of Humanity. Just like many of the others on this list, we still don't know what his actual role in the 'Crisis' is going to be but it might have something to do with his comic book career as the second Atom, a mantle we hope to see him take up in the Arrowverse as well.

'Crisis on Infinite Earths' Part 4 will air on The CW on January 14.