Couple starved Great Dane so badly it chewed its own leg off in an effort to get free from a runner cable
Ware Shoals Police Department questioned the couple, identified as Jessica James and Skylar Craft, after they arrived at their home on Edgewood Drive on November 19.

A couple from South Carolina was arrested and charged with ill treatment of an animal after their pet dog, a Great Dane named Luke, chewed off its own leg to free itself from a runner cable. Reports state that the couple's neighbor alerted the authorities about the dog's condition.
Ware Shoals Police Department questioned the couple, identified as Jessica James and Skylar Craft, after they arrived at their home on Edgewood Drive on November 19.
A responding officer, in an incident report obtained by Fox Carolina, said: "When I approached the fence I could see a very skinny black Great Dane with an injury to his back right leg. As he got closer I could see that over half of his leg was gone."