Corey Feldman is fleeing home after 'wolfpack' material is left at doorstep ahead of tell-all docu release

Actor Corey Feldman is reportedly fleeing from his home with his family after someone dropped Wolfpack-related material outside his house on Wednesday morning. The actor, who revealed the news on early Thursday morning on Twitter, is preparing for the March 9 release of his much-anticipated documentary '(My) Truth: The Rape of 2 Coreys'.
Feldman had previously stated that he is fearful of his life and his family's safety ahead of the documentary's release as he sets to name famous figures in Hollywood who he claims are sexual predators.
The actor, on Thursday, also tweeted a picture of the responding officer who took his report and revealed that an investigation into the incident had been launched by the police. Feldman also added that he and his family were leaving town until the premiere of his film.
He now has 24/7 armed security and has even asked for extended security to his ex-wives and extended family members.
Feldman had long promised an exposé of high-profile celebrities in Hollywood who engage in pedophilia and continue to work in the entertainment industry. He had also claimed that there have been at least two murder attempts made on him.
Feldman said that he was out for the evening and when he returned home he found Wolfpack material at his door.
The actor had linked his 2018 stabbing incident to a group called the "Wolfpack," and alleged that the group had been harassing him on multiple social media platforms. Feldman was hospitalized in March 2018 after claiming that he was stabbed in the stomach in Los Angeles' San Fernando Valley. He had also claimed that the Los Angeles Police Department was investigating the attack as an "attempted homicide." He had later filed temporary restraining orders against members of the “Wolfpack."
Feldman, in a previous statement, said that he is keeping a promise —through the film — to his best friend, late Canadian actor Corey Haim, to reveal to the world about what really happened to the two as they were sexually and emotionally abused when they were young actors in Hollywood.