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The tragic plight of little Cooper Roberts: Highland Park victim, 8, is left feeling 'sad and hopeless'

'He's an 8-year-old boy who feels hopeless, sad, and angry as the reality of his life is setting in,' the heartbroken family said
UPDATED AUG 18, 2022
Cooper Roberts, an 8-year-old boy, was paralyzed as a result of the July 4th parade shooting (GoFundMe)
Cooper Roberts, an 8-year-old boy, was paralyzed as a result of the July 4th parade shooting (GoFundMe)

HIGHLAND PARK, ILLINOIS: Cooper Roberts' family claims that the eight-year-old child "is in constant pain" as he recovers from the July 4th parade shooting that took place in Highland Park. On August 16, Tuesday, the Roberts family updated the GoFundMe page set up by organizer Annie Loizzi to help them and the boy.

The Roberts family expressed their feeling about "the unvarnished reality that is his/our new world," adding that "there are layers upon layers of cruelty with being shot by a sniper," and that "most people don't witness the grueling aftermath of surviving these devastating wounds, physical and emotional." Cooper Roberts, whose spinal chord was severed during the incident last month, is still "on a constant IV drip of antibiotics to ward off infection," according to the Roberts family.


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Roberts family claim Cooper still has edema from his injuries, and experiences stomach pain as his body "relearns to process mainly liquid food." In the upcoming days, there is a chance Cooper will start to break the habit of using "heavy painkillers."


Cooper has been away for 44 days as of August 17. He can only get together with his entire family once a week "for a short period of time" in compliance with Covid-19 safety protocols. According to the update, Cooper is getting adjusted to a new lifestyle and has started openly thinking about how he would spend recess when he eventually returns to school.

"It is very hard to convince Cooper that he will be happy again. Of course, we are beyond grateful for his survival, and we know others weren't as fortunate, but we want people to know his path/our path will be a very long and hard road," the Roberts family claimed.


"He's an 8-year-old boy who feels hopeless, sad, and angry as the reality of his life is setting in," the family added. "Yet, every kindness makes him smile. We are so grateful for the gift, cards, prayers, and donations that will help carry us all through this very bleak period." 

Seven people were killed and numerous others were injured when a shooter opened fire during the Highland Park Fourth of July parade where the Roberts family was present. During the incident, Luke, Cooper's twin brother, was struck by shrapnel. He received treatment and was discharged the same day, but some of the shrapnel is still inside of him since doctors couldn't safely remove it.


Keely Roberts, the mother of the boys, attempted to protect the twins with her body but was shot twice in the foot and leg. Keely has been receiving care at a different hospital from her son, who works as the superintendent of the Zion Elementary School District. The Roberts family's GoFundMe campaign has raised $1,932,190 of it's declared $2 million target when this article was written.