#ComradeTrump trends as Angry Internet says Trump calls every American a liar, but ‘never Putin’

US President Donald Trump's conviviality for his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin is no secret. Reports say Putin paid bounties Taliban militants in Afghanistan to kill US soldiers and it has led to at least one American death. What's worrying is Trump's response to it: Nothing! However, the silence is not new as Trump has often praised Putin and hasn't uttered a single word against the growing human rights violation in Russia.
As the news circulated on social media, Trump was slammed as "traitor" and hashtags like #TrumpKnewAndDidNothing and #TraitorInChief started trending in no time. Branding it "fake news", Trump responded to the buzz on the Internet in his signature style. "The Russia Bounty story is just another made up by Fake News tale that is told only to damage me and the Republican Party. The secret source probably does not even exist, just like the story itself. If the discredited @nytimes has a source, reveal it. Just another HOAX!" he tweeted.
A former US ambassador to Russia, Michael McFaul, on Wednesday excoriated Trump for suggesting that the suspected Russian bounty plot was "fake news". His silence is the symbol of a new low for America and people are now calling him #ComradeTrump.

"Trump says that Republicans and Democrats are liars. Reporters, voters, and protesters are liars. The families of dead US soldiers are liars. US intelligence officers are liars. The one person Trump always sides with, and never calls a liar… is Vladimir Putin. #ComradeTrump," one tweet read and another said, "So many times #ComradeTrump has sided with Putin over our own intel. When the media questions Trump's soft deferential treatment of Putin, it is the media, which is vilified. Trump's loyalties are clear. What kompromat does Putin have on Trump?"
Several reports even suspected that prize money of over $100,000 per killed soldier was offered and Twitter users couldn't help but slam the people. "Putin is getting away with murdering American soldiers... #ComradeTrump," one tweet read and another said, "If Trump is a wartime president then he is the general who tells his men to take their masks off when the enemy throws mustard gas grenades at them. #ComradeTrump."
Moreover, a video of Hillary Clinton criticizing Trump on calling Putin better than Obama started trending. "That time @HillaryClinton called out #ComradeTrump for saying Putin was a better leader than Obama. That is not just unpatriotic and insulting, it is scary. Because it suggests he will let Putin do whatever Putin wants to do and then make excuses for him," one tweet read. Another said, "And everybody was on her about using her personal emails and Ivanka did the same thing but Trump pulled a fast one to get everybody's focus off of Ivanka."