#ComicWritersChallenge: Comic book icons raise $300,000 for Black Lives Matter through auctions

With the Black Lives Matter protests continuing to spread across the nation, a number of comic book writers and artists have come together to raise money for the cause. Spearheaded by 'Wonder Woman' writer Gail Simone, some of the industry's biggest icons have auctioned off some stellar artwork.
The initiative, #ComicWritersChallenge, was launched by Simone on June 2. 'DCeased' writer Tom Taylor, Eisner Award-winner Tom King, Marvel Comics writer Paul Tobin and DC Comics chief creative officer Jim Lee are just some of the many people who have pooled in their resources to help this initiative. Greg Hildebrant of the Brothers Hildebrant was also one of the artists who contributed to the project. Simone kicked off the challenge with an original piece of artwork from George Perez, who asked her to write his last ever 'Wonder Woman'. In addition to the artwork, the writer also auctioned a signed script featuring Wonder Woman meeting Star Blossom and threw in a package that includes a signed and personalized 'Wonder Woman' omnibus.
She urged her colleagues to join in with a long Twitter thread that she closed off writing, "You writers out there, my friends... I know it's an uncertain time. But I know almost all of you have an art collection, things gifted or purchased. I challenge you... take a piece that has special meaning to you and auction it off, right now, for #BLM. We have black retailers and readers and they're hurting. We have black creators and editors who were not always treated fairly. We can do this. Take the #ComicWriterChallenge and trade something you love for something we need."
Well, 10 days later on June 12, the #ComicWritersChallenge was concluded. And how much money did they raise, you ask? $308,193. Simone celebrated the success of the challenge with some images of Cyclops from the X-Men before calling it a night with this message: "Thank you, everyone. I am going to sleep for eight years but we ALL of us raised a ton of money for Black support organizations. #BlackLivesMatter Thank you again to the people raising their voices!"