Anna Navarro says Trump has 'Obama Derangement Syndrome' after he seeks probe into his Netflix and book deals

CNN panelist Anna Navarro has claimed that President Donald Trump is "obsessed" with his predecessor Barack Obama and cannot stop talking about him. During a panel discussion on the network, she said Trump probably has "Obama derangement syndrome."
Trump launched a barrage of tweets calling for a probe into Obama's hush deal with Netflix before the topic was discussed on Cuomo Prime Time Monday night, Newsweek reports.The network reported in May that Barack and Michelle Obama had signed a multi-year "high 8-figure deal" contract with the streaming service via their company Higher Ground Productions.

Trump recently faced allegations that he is profiting from the presidency, prompting him to launch an attack on his predecessor. In his offensive, the commander-in-chief launched a series of tweets slamming book deals signed by the former first couple, along with the "ridiculous Netflix deal."
The Republican tweeted: "House Judiciary has given up on the Mueller Report, sadly for them after two years and $40,000,000 spent – ZERO COLLUSION, ZERO OBSTRUCTION. So they say, OK, lets look at everything else, and all of the deals that ‘Trump’ has done over his lifetime,” Trump tweeted. But it doesn’t…."
"But it doesn’t…work that way. I have a better idea. Look at the Obama Book Deal, or the ridiculous Netflix deal. Then look at all the deals made by the Dems in Congress, the ‘Congressional Slush Fund,’ and lastly the IG Reports. Take a look at them. Those investigations would be over FAST!” he added.
Trump's attacks triggered CNN contributor Navarro, who gave Cuomo her explanation for the president's resentment on Twitter.
According to her, Trump posted the tweets because "he's jealous of him, because he haunted by him, because he's obsessed with him, because he can't stop thinking about him."
"People talk about 'Trump derangement syndrome'. Well, Trump has 'Obama derangement syndrome'," she told CNN. "And Trump always needs a foil, whether it's 'crooked Hillary' or 'Pocahontas' 'or 'sleepy Joe' or 'crazy Bernie' or whatever it is."
"He always needs a foil to keep the flames alive, somebody to fight against," she continued. "But he has also been obsessed with Obama from the get-go, even before he was president."
"One of the ways he became relevant in Politics unfortunately and sadly for the Republican Party is by peddling the conspiracy theory about 'birtherism' against Obama," she added, referring to Trump's allegations that Obama was born in Kenya.

But political commentator Mike Shields fervently disagreed with Navarro's theory, saying that every president comes into office wanting "to fix the mess of my predecessor."
Shields recalled how Obama slammed his predecessor during the run-up to his election, saying "look at what I inherited, why would you want to go the horrible world of George W. Bush."
"That's normal, I don't think that's some obsession or some mental thing for Trump to do," Shields concluded.
Furthermore, he also noted how the last three quarters under Obama had a growth rate of "only 1.8, 1.8, 1.9" [percent]."
"Then you get to 3.0, 3.2, 3.6 [percent] under Donald Trump, and so this is a contest that benefits him," Shields added. "It's not about some kind of obsession, this is a pretty smart political move."