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CNN's Kaitlan Collins' interview skills draw flak as Ron DeSantis calls for institutionalizing mentally ill

Kaitlan Collins faced severe criticism from the internet after she tweeted her interview with Ron DeSantis
CNN's Kaitlan Collins slammed for questioning Ron DeSantis' unwillingness to sign Florida's red flag law (Getty Images, Fox News)
CNN's Kaitlan Collins slammed for questioning Ron DeSantis' unwillingness to sign Florida's red flag law (Getty Images, Fox News)

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: Governor Ron DeSantis. during a recent exclusive interview with CNN’s Kaitlan Collins on ‘The Source’, expressed uncertainty about the effectiveness of Florida's red flag law in confiscating firearms from potentially dangerous individuals.

He also firmly stated that if he were to become president, he would not support or sign any gun safety measures.

In response to the recent tragic mass shooting that occurred at a bowling alley and restaurant in Lewiston, Maine, resulting in at least 18 fatalities, the Republican presidential candidate proposed a different approach, adding he would involuntarily institutionalize individuals with mental health issues.

Following this interview, Kaitlan Collins took to X (formerly Twitter) to share more insights into her one-on-one conversation with the GOP candidate.

However, Collins’ questions to DeSantis faced criticism from the internet as several slammed CNN’s reporter for “repeatedly asking the same question.”

Kaitlan Collins quizzes Ron DeSantis' unwillingness to sign Florida’s red flag law

Kaitlan Collins took to X and wrote, “DeSantis calls for institutionalizing more people instead of nationalizing Florida’s red flag law in wake of Maine shooting.”


She also shared another tweet which featured a clip from her interview with DeSantis and quoted the Florida Governor, “Gov. Ron DeSantis says he wouldn’t sign a national red flag law if elected and instead says his solution to mass shootings would focus on ‘more facilities for involuntary commitment.’ The first part of our interview here.”


In the video, DeSantis said, “I think what’s ultimately effective is holding people accountable, either through mental adjudication if they’re crazy or convicting them when they’re committing crimes.”

The suspect in the mass shooting was found dead after an intense manhunt that lasted more than two days.

Law enforcement officials have disclosed that the individual had recently raised concerns about their mental health and had been committed to a mental health facility for a period of two weeks during the summer.

DeSantis mentioned that he believed Florida's law, which empowers judges to prohibit or confiscate firearms from individuals undergoing a mental health crisis, would not have had a significant impact if it were in place in Maine.

He said, “In this case, I’m not sure. I think an involuntary commitment, though, would have kept him off the street, and I think that would have done the trick.”

While Governor DeSantis initially opposed the law during his gubernatorial campaign in 2018, it has continued to be in effect throughout his five years in office.

DeSantis, known for advancing numerous contentious initiatives with the support of the Republican-controlled state legislature, attributed the law's persistence to the actions of lawmakers in Florida.

He said, “There’s not an appetite amongst them to reverse their vote.”

When Collins questioned whether there were any gun control measures he might endorse if he were to become president, DeSantis responded by saying, “Restricting Second Amendment rights? I’m gonna uphold the Constitution.”

DeSantis also attributed former President Donald Trump's success in the polls to his widespread name recognition.

He said, “He’s the most famous person running. One hundred percent name ID. He’s the person people know.”

“When you actually drill down in these early states, clearly, he’s got some that will vote for him no matter what, but there’s a lot more that aren’t going to vote for him in the primary. Then, you’ve got a lot of voters, who, they liked his policies, they liked a lot about him, they are willing to vote for somebody else,” he continued.

“It’s incumbent upon a guy like me, to go out and make the case,” DeSantis added.


Kaitlan Collins called ‘disgrace’ for repeatedly posing same question to Ron DeSantis

Kaitlan Collins faced severe criticism from the internet after she tweeted her interview with Ron DeSantis.

One person brutally took a jab at her saying, “How many times should he answer your question? Dang, take yourself more seriously as an interviewer and bail on your "gotcha" when he gives an answer that doesn't meet your goal.”


Another trolled her adding, “Thanks. I was watching until you mentioned DeSantis coming up,” and one more said, “Red flag. Red flag. Red flag. Are you auditioning for the world’s most annoying person on tv? DeSantis handled beautifully what was the most horrible interview I’ve ever seen.”



“This reporter is a complete disgrace keeps changing the topic and the subject to suit herself and be argumentative,” slammed another person.


One simply said, “She is horrible with interviews!” and another wrote, “Glad to have 9 minutes of this girl crying about DeSantis’ answers.”