New video shows Bill Clinton putting his arm around Monica Lewinsky's waist in the Oval Office in 1997
The video features Clinton's photo ops at the Oval Office from February 28, 1997. After greeting guests he goes on to take photos with Monica Lewinsky and is seen holding her waist.

In a major throwback moment, the Clinton Library this week has released a video featuring former President Bill Clinton and former White House intern Monica Lewinsky. The video is from the time that President Clinton held the reins of America. The video features one of Clinton's photo ops at the Oval Office from February 28, 1997. Clinton is seen addressing the attendees in the beginning and speaking about the drug problem in the US at the time. He then greets everyone after the session is over and goes on to take photographs with the guests. He then goes on to take photos with Lewinsky and is seen holding her waist and then shaking her hand.