Cher claims Trump only wants to save white supremacists from coronavirus as 'he loves statues of slave owners'

Cher is reportedly pushing a conspiracy theory that President Donald J. Trump only wants to save white supremacists from the novel coronavirus owing to his admiration of Andrew Jackson. The actress and songstress tweeted her allegations on Friday, July 3, noting that Trump didn't want to help white liberals.
“WHAT IF trump DOESNT WANT 2 SAVE "EVERYONE" FROM THE VIRUS. NO BLUE STATES, NO PPL OF COLOR, NO POOR, WHITE LIBERALS,” Cher tweeted, adding, “WHAT IF trump ONLY WANTS WHITES & WHITE SUPREMACIST. HE LOVES STATUE OF SLAVE OWNERS & MURDERER OF NATIVE AMERICANS. trail of tears ANDREW JACKSON.” Cher was reportedly referring to the Andrew Jackson monument outside the White House that was recently vandalized by Antifa rioters. The ringleader of the June 22 attack on the statue has since been arrested by federal officials, who identified him as Jason Charter, an Antifa member who is now facing charges of destroying federal property.

In an effort to protect historical monuments and statues across the nation, Trump signed an executive order on June 26 promising "long prison terms" for those found guilty of related crimes. "I just had the privilege of signing a very strong Executive Order protecting American Monuments, Memorials, and Statues - and combatting recent Criminal Violence. Long prison terms for these lawless acts against our Great Country!" he tweeted at the time.
That said, the president has often reiterated that he wants to protect Americans of all races from the deadly virus. “We need to protect ALL Americans!” he tweeted in March. “Someone needs to tell the Democrats in Congress that CoronaVirus doesn’t care what party you are in," he added. But while it is unclear what prompted Cher's "white supremacist" theory, this is barely the first time the songstress has lashed out at the president. In May, Cher time called him a "lazy, orange-faced miscreant” who must be charged. “Why do ppl keep expecting trump to act like a Human,” she began. "NOTHING ABOUT HIS COUNTENANCE SAYS SMART STRONG, COMPASSIONATE MAN. HES LAZY FACED MISCREANT.2 BAD HE ISNT FACING REAL CHARGES WITH HIS VILLIAN [sic] SON IN LAW. THEY COULD REMINISCE ABOUT ALL THEIR CRIMES AS JARED PUTS ON FACE SIRUM,” she added.

The month before that, the 'Baby Don't Go' hitmaker claimed Trump wanted small businesses and the US Postal Service (USPS) to go bankrupt because it would give him an advantage in the upcoming elections. "Doesn’t anyone care that people who have small businesses are going under because of him? They’re losing everything! Small business is the lifeblood of America, as they go under we go under [sic]," she tweeted.
She went on to tout a conspiracy that Trump wanted states that vote favorably towards Democrats, as well as the USPS, to go bankrupt so it would help him get re-elected to the Oval Office come November. "P.S. Trump wants blue states to declare bankruptcy. P.S.S He wants the Post Office to go bankrupt so we can’t vote by mail," she wrote.
And in March, she claimed that Trump was willing to sacrifice her mother in a bid to restart the country's economy following COVID-19 lockdowns. "For Trump, my mom & I Are Dispensable, Fodder For His InHumane Grist Mill. Well, I HAVE Worked From1965 To 2020 & Perhaps I’m beyond HIS Sell By Date. As 4 Mom..all she does is make everybody Laugh..yes we’re Obviously The Ones Who should be sacrificed. For Donald Trumps Economy," she tweeted at the time.