'Charlie's Angels' reboot bombs at the Box Office: Elizabeth Banks blames 'sexism', fans blame 'bad movie'

The new 'Charlie's Angels' movie starring Kristen Stewart, Naomi Scott, and Ella Balinska hasn't exactly been the smash-hit that its director Elizabeth Banks would have wanted it to be. Not only has the film bombed at the box office but it also hasn't been particularly well-received by critics either.
In an interview with WSJ that was published on November 14, just a day before the film's disastrous opening, Banks had addressed the criticism she's been facing for making the new 'Charlie's Angels' movie. Banks had then claimed that the only reason 'Charlie's Angels' is getting so much flak is because men don't like watching women in action films, pointing out that the 'Spider-Man' franchise is still successful even after multiple reboots and relaunches.
“You’ve had 37 Spider-Man movies and you’re not complaining!” Banks said. “I think women are allowed to have one or two action franchises every 17 years — I feel totally fine with that.”
Banks had also previously told Herald Sun that “If this movie doesn’t make money it reinforces a stereotype in Hollywood that men don’t go see women do action movies.”
Well, now Banks' worst fears have come true and the film is a spectacular failure. However, as much as Banks might try to blame sexism for the movie's failure, Twitter doesn't seem to buy it. Check out some of these tweets:
"Elizabeth Banks says Charlie’s Angels flopped because men don’t go see women do action movies. *stares in Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel box office returns* Bad movie is bad, that’s why the movie flopped." - @ChakoPolako

"1. No one asked for a new Charlie's Angels movie.
2. No one wanted a new Charlie's Angels movie.
3. The previous Charlie's Angels movies were bad.
4. The Charlie's Angels TV show was okay at best.
5. Spider-Man is 37 times better than Charlie's Angels.
'Let's blame men!'" - @Supahz
"I mean, some of my favorite films this year feature women in prominent or starting roles; Crawl, Endgame, Captain Marvel, Alita, Toy Story 4, and so on. I just don't like Charlie's Angels that much. I'm just letting other people enjoy this one." - @DGill2295
Now you might think "Hey, these are all still men talking." So here's what the women in the audience had to say on the matter.
"Then you should have made "CHARLIE'S ANGELS" correctly! Don't expect women to show up for a shitty movie just because we're women. You didn't do your job as director!" - @KolaBoof3
"I was saying to some friends yesterday, I love Charlie's Angels but I have no interest in seeing this one. Nothing about it excites me. Certainly not as exciting as seeing Lucy, Drew, Cameron, and Demi in the 90's/2000's when those were done. And I am a Kristen fan." - @BattyMatilda
"i want to support elizabeth banks & movies with female leads but i truly could not care any less about charlie’s angels" - @minygrande
Looking back, we've had some amazing female-led movies in 2019 that have challenged expectations and been more than a little successful. Unfortunately, 'Charlie's Angels' was not one of them.