'Celebrity IOU': Who is Leslie? Meet 'The Office' star Rainn Wilson's son's former nanny

Fact - everyone loves watching Drew and Jonathan Scott create cool, new spaces. Fact - Everyone loves Rainn Wilson. Put those two together and you have the latest episode of 'Celebrity IOU'. The house-makeover show is a fan-favorite, thanks to the heartwarming stories that come with it and this episode is no different. The episode kicks off with Rainn surprising his former nanny, Leslie, with a house renovation. Rainn spoke very highly of Leslie – mentioning that she is a woman of integrity and that even though she's no longer the family's nanny, they are still very close. Rainn mentions that Leslie has poured a lot into this house and he sees this opportunity as the perfect way to pay her back for all that she's done for him.

Leslie helped raise Rainn's son since he was a baby
Leslie first met Rainn and his wife, Holiday, 16 years ago, when Holiday was pregnant with Walter. Leslie was the first person the couple interviewed for the job - and they knew it would be a great fit. Her relationship with the couple has only grown stronger over the years. "Leslie gave so much love to our son, Walter,” added Rainn, when talking about her.
“To watch him be nourished and flourish—there’s no more priceless gift than that.” Leslie too spoke about how Rainn and Holiday always made her feel like family.
Leslie has 3 children of her own
Leslie has three children, Valentina, Victoria and Oswaldo Junior. Growing up, Rainn's son spent a lot of time around Leslie's and her sister's children - Leslie's home became a place where Walter spent a lot of time and has a lot of happy memories attached to it. Leslie also believes that she's a good mom thanks to Rainn, Holiday and Walter.
There's a whole lot of 'Dwight' in this episode
Rainn has played several roles throughout his career, but his most notable one has to be Dwight K. Shrute from 'The Office'. The show continues to grow popular as the years go by, with old fans staying loyal to the series and new fans discovering the hit sitcom. The writing seems timeless, and the jokes always land, even years later. With Rainn's iconic character Dwight being instantly recognizable, it comes as no surprise that Rainn often references the character, much to the delight of fans and viewers. This episode of 'Celebrity IOU' was no different, with Rainn letting bits of Dwight to sneak in right from the start. We see Rainn suggesting that they should all enter Leslie's house by doing parkour, a reference to one of the best cold openings of the series – it's Season 6 Episode 1! We then go on to see Rainn get very excited for demolition day - he shows up shirtless, wielding two medieval weapons - something Dwight would do. It's always exciting to see nods to this character, even after all these years.
Catch 'Celebrity IOU' on HGTV and on Discovery+.