Mars Volta's Cedric Zavala says Scientologists killed his dogs to shield his wife's rapist Danny Masterson

The Mars Volta singer Cedric Bixler-Zavala has always been known for his incredible vocal abilities, and now, he's refusing to be silenced. He had previously lashed out at actor Danny Masterson of 'That 70s Show' fame for raping his wife (Danny used to date her) back in the '90s, and now he has also trained his guns on the powerful Church of Scientology. The former 'At the Drive-In' vocalist claims that the Scientologists have had a clandestine hand in poisoning and killing two of his dogs in light of these (multiple) Danny Masterson rape claims that he and his wife Chrissie Carnell Bixler are attempting to bring to light.

The Church of Scientology has a well-documented history of silencing and threatening anyone who tries to speak out against their nefarious machinations and practices, and they are also notoriously hard on ex-members who attempt to expose unseemly details about the commune and its celebrity endorsers. While Cedric Bixler-Zavala and his wife Chrissie are both former Scientologists, Masterson is still currently an active member of the Church Of Scientology.
Chrissie Carnell Bixler accused Danny Masterson of raping her when they used to date in the late '90s. Several other women have also stepped forward to make similar accusations against Masterson, who has since, denied all the allegations. But the Church of Scientology tends to look out for its own, and willfully persecutes anyone who attempts to prosecute its high-profile celebrity members.

“I’m at the vet dealing with another hurt animal,” the singer posted on his Instagram along with a photograph of poisoned meat. “This is what I’ve been finding in my front and backyard. This is what Scientology does when you speak about the predators they protect … This is the 2nd dog we’ve had to put down due to the harassment from private investigators and Scientologists. This only makes us stronger. “
After the singer's beloved dogs had to be put down after consuming rat poison, there was no doubt on the hand of Scientologists using pressure tactics, Bixler-Zavala issued a lengthy statement on social media against them, he captioned it, "DANNY MASTERSON IS A VIOLENT SERIAL RAPIST. He and his church will do anything to cover up his crimes."
"I will not shut my mouth about this shit. Clearly you repugnant pieces of shit don’t want my wife and I to tell our story. We most certainly have some interesting receipts that can tie a whole fuck load of xenu sympathizers and xenu soliers to these rapes. Never trust a Scientologist who tries to co-opt the me too movement. Never trust an artist who is still friendly with their Scientologist celebrity pals. You know who I’m talking about. Go ahead and scroll past this and turn your blind eye. This whole bullshit idea of tolerance is a very convenient way of you hiding your head in a hole while you ‘separate’ the artist from their ‘spiritual’ beliefs."

He also pointed out that the Church of Scientology had way too much influence and power in the entertainment industry: "You go ahead and take gigs with these people. You would be an utter fool to think that the money you help make on tour with these sheep doesn’t go back to the celebrity center. If Beck can leave what the fuck is your chicken shit excuse? You gotta wonder what kind of dirt they got on you from your auditing sessions or your time on the purification rundown. ‘They’ pass your folders around and own you. You would be surprised who is in whose pocket."
Things then got a little extra woke, as he called out certain groups of people that he was disgusted by, he said, "So here’s a special shout out to all the Powerful Cats, all the midnight vultures, all the friends of Earl, all the Berric troops, all you owners of hip red bag coffee, all you Stoned owners of Harvard, all you House Geisha dwellers, all you managerial pieces of shit repping strokes of luck, all of you Oscar stylists, all you deadly little Sarahs, all you post-apocalyptic soldiers fighting zombies in Atlanta, all you black cube thugs, all you newly indoctrinated ‘people of the sun,’ all you poser hags wearing Native American regalia for purposes of rock stardom. I see you. I see what side of HERstory you are on."