'Carnival Row' Season 2 Episode 7 and 8 Review: Fae's gruesome revolt takes an unprecedented turn

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: 'Carnival Row' is an Amazon Prime Video series that blends epic fantasy and the steampunk genre. It was created from a spec script penned by Travis Beacham for an unproduced film. In the realm of 'Carnival Row', mythological creatures coexist with humans, but there is still no sign of harmony between the two societies.
Fae have been driven to seek sanctuary on human territory as a result of human battles that have ravaged their homelands. The consequences of the Fae uprising are extensively explored in 'Carnival Row' Season 2 Episodes 7 and 8, which further complicates matters for the mythical society. The most recent episodes typically last well over 50 minutes.
What happens in 'Carnival Row' Season 2 Episodes 7 and 8?
The seventh episode of 'Carnival Row' Season 2 takes the show to a darker and more explicit level. The most recent installment also looks at how Vignette's rescue and its consequences affected the other Fae and Vignette herself. Although the episode's scenes of Rycroft being imprisoned and tortured are difficult to see, they are crucial in order to show the detective's situation. The courageous Fae are determined to fight back against the establishment and are planning other attacks, which gives the community a sense of urgency and purpose. On the sidelines, the episode also saw the progress of Imogen and Agreus’s relationship in the show. A satisfying episode of the series, 'Carnival Row' Season 2 Episode 8 culminates in a brutal fight. Even at the most brutal sequences, the climactic fight scenes are aesthetically magnificent and the special effects are amazing.
Final thoughts
The episode's sequences showing Rycroft being imprisoned and tortured are difficult to see. Also, the episode's feeling of claustrophobia is almost intolerable as we wonder how Rycroft will return to normalcy and whether he will be able to save Vignette and the others. The Fae revolt in Episode 7 is a major highlight because it demonstrates the fictional community's resilience and courage in the face of injustice.The romance between Imogen and Agreus, on the other hand, is a little slow-moving and tiresome. Although their plot is an intriguing exploration of love and difference, it detracts from the main plot and seems unrelated to Rycroft's troubles and the Fae uprising.
Though it can be considered as a refreshing distraction from the episode's intensity, viewers interested in the show's political and fantastical elements might find it less compelling. The pacing of Episode 8 seems a little hurried, and some plot lines are wrapped up too fast. The narratives seem to have been wrapped up swiftly by the showrunners in order to make room for the action scenes. As a result, some of the character journeys feel unfinished and some issues remain unresolved. Something that, hopefully, the season finale will fix.
'Carnival Row' Season 2 is currently streaming on Amazon Prime Video.