Carnegie Mellon professor Uju Anya attacks Queen AGAIN, days after wishing her painful death

A Carnegie Mellon professor has lashed out after the Queen's death, calling her a "representative of the cult of white womanhood" after she wished the monarch an "excruciatingly painful" death. In an interview with The Cut, 46-year-old Uju Anya said "half of (her) family was slaughtered with guns and bombs that this Queen sent to kill us." The Queen died at Balmoral on Thursday, September 8, aged 96.
Uju Anya is an applied-linguistics professor at the Pittsburgh university. Her mother is from Trinidad and her father from Nigeria. She said in the past that she is "a child of colonization" and that Britain's role in the Nigerian Civil War shaped her perspective. "Queen Elizabeth was representative of the cult of white womanhood," Anya said. "There's this notion that she was this little-old-lady grandma type with her little hats and her purses and little dogs and everything, as if she inhabited this place or this space in the imaginary, this public image, as someone who didn't have a hand in the bloodshed of her Crown."
The first and ONLY time Queen Elizabeth II broke royal protocol
In an earlier tweet, Anya wished the Queen a painful death. “I heard the chief monarch of a thieving raping genocidal empire is finally dying,” Anya said in the now-removed tweet. “May her pain be excruciating.”

Defending her tweet, she has now said that she stands by what she said. "In my tweet, I did not wish her dead. I did not tell anyone to kill her. I said nothing except wishing her the pain in death that she caused for millions of people. There's not going to be any apology from me. I stand by what I said."
"'Speak no ill of the dead' is a weapon that's leveled against the oppressed to silence them, to lionize oppressors, and to sanitize their history. What respect am I supposed to have for her, for her family?" she added. "Oh, well, her family is mourning her. My family is mourning as well." Anya also claimed she received racist and misogynistic emails following her tweet.
In a statement, Carnegie Mellon University told the Daily Mail it does "not condone the offensive and objectionable messages." "Free expression is core to the mission of higher education, however, the views she shared absolutely do not represent the values of the institution, nor the standards of discourse we seek to foster," a spokesperson said. However, Anya remains employed at the school.
Meanwhile, students at the university wrote a letter in support of Anya and slammed the university's response. Newsweek reported that hundreds of current and former students signed it. "We recognize her immensely impactful role on campus and believe firmly in her right to free speech and safety," the letter read. "Public condemnation of her tweet provides no institutional protection from violence and places her in a precarious position, ignoring a long history of institutional racism and colonialism. Rejecting calls for 'civility' that are frequently leveraged against the marginalized to silence dissent, we express our solidarity with Dr. Anya and reject the tone-policing of those with legitimate grievances."
Anya later also tweeted that she will not apologize for her comments. "If anyone expects me to express anything but disdain for the monarch who supervised a government that sponsored the genocide that massacred and displaced half my family and the consequences of which those alive today are still trying to overcome, you can keep wishing upon a star," she tweeted.
If anyone expects me to express anything but disdain for the monarch who supervised a government that sponsored the genocide that massacred and displaced half my family and the consequences of which those alive today are still trying to overcome, you can keep wishing upon a star.
— Uju Anya (@UjuAnya) September 8, 2022