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Tucker Carlson calls AOC 'Kim Kardashian of Congress' after Capitol riots backlash on Trump, slams 'crackdown'

The conservative political commentator said the January 6 violence was not an act of racism, insurrection or armed invasion by White supremacists and was merely lies spread by the Democrats
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Tucker Carlson (Getty Images)
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Tucker Carlson (Getty Images)

Conservative political commentator Tucker Carlson on Thursday, January 14, lashed out at Democrats accusing them of using the January 6 Capitol Hill violence to target civil liberties and free speech in what he feels the most sweeping crackdown the US has ever seen.

President Donald Trump lost his accounts on major social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook after they banned him accusing him of instigating his supporters to storm the seat of the Congress when it met to count electoral votes to affirm Joe Biden as the next president. 

The Fox News host slammed Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez aka AOC in a segment of his show ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ and called the firebrand self-proclaimed socialist leader as the “Kim Kardashian of Congress” and a “vacuous little totalitarian moron”.

AOC, who won her second term last November, recently said the Congress is exploring the idea of setting up an investigative commission to “rein in” the media in the wake of the Capitol violence and Carlson was quick to blast her over that viewpoint. 

Carlson blasts Ayanna Pressley along with AOC

Carlson, who recently targeted Biden’s pick as the assistant attorney general for the justice department’s civil rights division over her past takes on racial justice, attacked both AOC and her fellow "Squad" member Ayanna Pressley over their remarks on the Capitol riot. He said both lawmakers were spreading “lies” by stating that Trump supporters were leading an insurrection.

He also said that the likes of AOC and left-wing radicals were using the death of George Floyd last May to “change the country forever”. Calling the opponents “frauds and demagogues”, Carlson said the latter used hysteria “to subdue the population and crush anyone who dared to ask questions about what they were doing”.

Massachusetts Representative Ayanna Pressley (Getty Images)

On the January 6 violence that saw five people dead and led to the second impeachment of Trump in the Democratic-controlled House, Carlson said: “Last week's deadly riot at the US Capitol was not an act of racism, nor was it an insurrection. It was not an armed invasion by a brigade of dangerous White supremacists. Those are lies. Why are they demanding that you believe those lies?”

“What happened last week was not new or unusual. The riot was the perfect illustration of why we should oppose all mob action. Left uncontrolled, mobs boil over, violence erupts and people get killed. That has happened many times through human history. That's the way mobs are. Wise leaders know that, and it's why they don't encourage mobs,” Carlson added. 

Pro-Trump supporters storm the US Capitol following a rally with President Donald Trump on January 6, 2021, in Washington, DC (Getty Images)

He also said: “What happened last week is being used to justify the most sweeping crackdown on civil liberties and free speech in the history of this country. You shouldn't be surprised, however. We lived through something similar that showed the template for what they'll do and what they plan to do.”

Carlson also criticized AOC over her positive remarks about the cops who guarded the Capitol at the time of the mob attack, mocking her over her earlier stance of defunding the police. “She likes the cops now, despite the fact they're White supremacists. What a difference a day makes,” the commentator said. AOC said after the ugly events unfolded that she thought she would be killed during the attack on the Capitol.

Carlson takes on NYT piece and Jack Dorsey

Besides taking on AOC and Pressley, Carlson also called out New York Times’ Nick Kristoff over a recent opinion column in which he asked why advertisers do not “withdraw from Fox News” and shared that “cable providers should be asked why they distribute channels that peddle lies”. 

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey (Getty Images)

“You won't be surprised to learn that the rest of the media, our competitors, strongly agree with that sentiment: The government needs to shut down Fox News,” said a livid Carlson. 

The Fox host was also critical of Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey over the social media giant’s act of banning Trump. He said Dorsey looked like a “pothead” but also conceded that the latter is “pretty clever” and takes a “long view on these things”. 

“We know that Jack Dorsey has plans for the rest of us that will extend far beyond the Trump era. Silencing Donald Trump was just the beginning,” Carlson added.