Who is Samuel Fisher? Trump fan and 'dating coach' arrested with '1,000 rounds of ammo' after storming Capitol

NEW YORK CITY: The FBI has arrested one of former president Donald Trump's followers who attended the US Capitol riot. Samuel Fisher was arrested from an apartment building on East 90th Street between 1st and York avenues on the Upper East Side. In a video that surfaced online, one can see the man getting nabbed by the FBI right on Joe Biden's Inauguration Day.
Fisher, 35, reportedly attended the Capitol riot and allegedly posted revolting messages and photos while at the riots. One of such pictures shows him standing outside the Capitol near a Trump flag holding a handgun with the caption, "Can't wait to bring a liberal back to this freedom palace." While another message reads, "It's time to bring the pain upon them."
Who is Samuel Fisher
On January 20, FBI agents stormed Fisher's building to arrest him. According to the New York Daily News, Fisher was reportedly in possession of an arsenal of ammunition, tactical gear, two machetes, knives and at least one shotgun at the time of his arrest. He was later charged with trespassing in the restricted area. Prosecutors alleged that Fisher traveled to the Capitol with multiple firearms and a bulletproof vest. As of now, it is not revealed if Fisher carried all of it inside the Capitol.
Fisher, is a New Yprk City pickup artist, who also goes by the name Brad Holiday. He operates a dating website, LuxLife Dating, where along with Jason James, he "helps men get high-value girls using" his predictable pick-up system. On a LinkedIn page associated with the email brad.holiday1@gmail.com, Fisher called himself the founder of LIFE: MTKG + MDA whose tagline is “We Help Chiropractors Get More High Quality Patients With Facebook Ad Campaigns.”
The day after the Capitol attack, the dating coach took to Facebook and bragged about his participation. "It was awesome. It was dangerous and violent. People died...but it was f***g great if you ask me….I got tear-gassed and pepper-sprayed. Seeing cops literally run ... was the coolest thing I've ever seen in my life," Fisher added. "Can't divulge too much here...but f**k the DC police. In all seriousness, and get ready."
In an essay titled “January 6, 2021, will be the most important day of our lives,” which Fisher wrote under his online alias 'Brad Holiday', he claimed : "Tomorrow, Trump and We The People will be betrayed again by every so called representative who said they’d fight for us...They will certify the Chinese Comunist Agent Biden as the winner of the election. They will allow Antifa and BLM to run roughshot in the streets of D.C. and bear spray, search and arrest patriots."
Attack on US Capitol
The storming of the United States Capitol was carried out by a mob of Trump supporters in their attempt to overturn his defeat in the 2020 election where Biden came out victorious. The violent attack against the 117th United States Congress led to a complete lockdown of the Capitol as it resulted in five deaths. What followed the US Captial riot was an in-depth investigation against the participants. The Associated Press reviewed all the records, only to find that more than 120 participants talked about different conspiracy theories about the presidential election and had even mentioned "deep state" conspiracy at some point on Facebook or Twitter.
Following the US Capitol riot, Michael Sherwin -- the interim United States Attorney for the District of Columbia, said rioters could be charged with seditious conspiracy. He even suggested that Trump could be investigated for his remarks to his supporters before they all stormed the Capitol building. The FBI officials added that they expect to make over a hundred arrests and charge the rioters with sedition and conspiracy. Apart from Fisher, the FBI has already arrested the leader of a Proud Boys group in Hawaii, Jake Angeli, known among his circle as QAnon Shaman, a far-right activist Tim Gionet, and the son of a Kings County Supreme Court judge, among others.