Buzz Aldrin slams 'First Man' for omitting flag-planting scene, posts picture of moon landing with caption 'Proud to be an American'

'First Man' — Damien Chazelle's biographical drama chronicling the Apollo11 mission that landed astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin — has been criticized by numerous conservative quarters for not including the iconic scene of Armstrong planting the American flag on the moon. But in what is probably the most stinging rebuke to date, Aldrin himself seems to have come out in protest.
The 88-year-old, who would infamously become the second man to set foot on the moon after Armstrong, tweeted a picture of the flag being planted after the landing in 1969, captioning the photo: "Proud to be an American." Aldrin also retweeted a picture of him saluting the snap.
#proudtobeanAmerican #freedom #honor #onenation #Apollo11 #July1969 #roadtoApollo50
— Buzz Aldrin (@TheRealBuzz) 3 September 2018