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'Bull' Season 5 Episode 7: Will TAC dissolve if Benny leaves? Fans wonder after he nails an impossible case

'Don't think there's any romance in that bromance. Surely there's another word for the love and respect #Bull and Benny have. Benny stuck by #Bull when Izzy left'
Michael Weatherly as Bull, Freddie Rodriguez as Benny Colon in 'Bull' (CBS)
Michael Weatherly as Bull, Freddie Rodriguez as Benny Colon in 'Bull' (CBS)

The latest episode of 'Bull' was a grueling one and the TAC almost lost the case. A woman had been framed for the crime her dead extremist husband had committed, and there seemed to be no way out. Her husband, Adam, was a terrorist and against the ATF. So, he planted a car bomb for an ATF agent, which killed him and his two young sons. The woman's DNA was found all over the crime scene. How will the TAC find their way out of this?

Well, thanks to Benny Colon (Freddie Rodriguez), they did. He found out that one of the FBI agents had gone undercover to infiltrate the gang of terrorists, and had some idea about the bomb blast. It was a superb closing argument as Benny asserted that his client did not know anything about her husband's extremist activities, but the FBI did. So, this is a reason to be more critical of the FBI. Viewers were on the edge of their seats with the episode, though many were wondering how the FBI arrested Benny's client without any clear evidence. Nevertheless, this case sets Benny up as a sure candidate for the District Attorney.

Fans believe that there is no 'Bull' without Benny, and this was one of his best cases. "Great job Benny! I don’t want him to leave & be the new DA! But, he desires the opportunity for promotion! #Bull," a fan tweeted. "Love Benny and Bull and you can’t break up the team #Bull #Benny," another wrote. "@BullCBS Well, Benny does it again! He flip the script on the FBI Agent with no evidence against the wife! it! #Bull," a fan wrote. "I love Benny's closing arguments so much!! He's amazing!! #Bull," a fan exulted. "don't think there's any "romance" in that "bromance." Surely there's another word for the love and respect #Bull and Benny have. Benny stuck by #Bull when Izzy left," another tweeted, indicating that Bull and Benny have a close friendship and have stuck by each other.






Well, this season of 'Bull' has been more intense than usual. Tune in on Mondays at 10 pm on CBS.