'Bull' Season 4 premiere opens to mixed reactions, fans hope the legal drama stays clear of 'futuristic' and 'sci-fi' endings in future

This article contains spoilers for 'Bull' Season 4, Episode 1: 'Labor Days'
'Bull' Season 4 premiered on CBS this week and the ending left fans on Twitter pretty confused. The season opener, 'Labor Days' was about a disgruntled and distraught man, Eugene Hobbs (Jeremy Landon Hays), who has had more than just quite a bit to drink. In fact, he's drunk thrice the average limit, much to the concern of the bartender, Patricia Delaney (Monique St. Cyr).
She follows him as he gets into his car until he reaches home. A satisfied Patricia leaves, unaware of what follows next. Hobbs slaughters his estranged wife and four guests who had gathered at his place to welcome the year. The cops then kill the man after he tries to turn on them. This leads to Patricia being pulled up for involuntary manslaughter. Jason Bull (Michael Weatherly)and co. had to convince the jurors that Patricia was not guilty.
In a move that fans welcomed, Benny Colón (Freddy Rodriguez) and Bull team up again to mount a defense, and while Benny's "No causation" theory is as impressive as it gets, the jury goes to a split decision (6-6). It is revealed that the District Attorney’s office later decided to drop the charges against Patricia. They saw how she wasn’t at fault in this whole mess. While this may have been a happy ending to Bull, Benny, and Patricia, it's not so much for the fans who would have probably expected something of a nail-biting finish 'Bull' is known for.
Unsurprisingly, plaudits like "Impressive", "Awesome" and "Fabulous" were part of social media conversations, but there were mixed reactions by fans to 'Labor Days' on Twitter. While they expressed happiness that the CBS drama was back, the ending to most of the users were odd. A fan said, "The ending was weird." Seconding that view was another fan who tweeted "Not gonna lie, that ending was really weird. The rest of the episode was pretty good, just not the ending."
Some fans even termed the ending "futuristic" and "sci-fi" and hoped that the rest of the season wouldn't pull encores. To some, this was what a post-Spielberg 'Bull' would be like and that's what they were afraid of. One fan tweeted: "It was good but different. Post Spielberg world I suppose..."
'Bull' boasted of gripping and intriguing endings. It was fascinating the way TAC went about their business of understanding jurors, lawyers, witnesses, and defendants, using psychology, human intuition, and high-tech data. While this was quite a novel approach, maybe that's the route the drama is planning to take. It's interesting to see how the rest of the episodes will pan out.
'Bull' airs Mondays at 10 pm ET on CBS.