Will Yongkook get a happy ending? BTS' Smeraldo Books has Army wondering where the angsty pair will end up

The BTS Universe storyline continues to unfold via the Smeraldo Books Twitter account, and this time, fans of the 'Yoonkook' ship are left dealing with the fallout of their angsty relationship.
Smeraldo Books is a Twitter account dedicated to the Bangtan Universe storyline, which is an alternate universe created by Big Hit Entertainment that serves as a connection between all of BTS' albums. The characters in this Universe share their names with BTS members, but their storylines function entirely independently of their real-world counterparts. The fictional story being told can also be seen in the group's music videos and additionally in album notes and story-related content they put out.

Smeraldo is the name of a fictional flower within the universe, which, according to the storyline, was discovered on June 12, 2013 — the date BTS debuted — and is an extremely important part of the alternate universe. The Twitter account kicked things off with its first post in January 2019, sharing that the Smeraldo flower draws its name from flower language, and translates to "The Truth Untold".
The account has been quiet for over a year but on July 23, it shared a new note that read, "Seokjin. June 27 Year 22. The smeraldo was trampled under my feet. And a time loop began again," and naturally, fans have begun theorizing on what the note and its accompanying bits of info meant. But before they could wrap their heads around all the new content, another one popped up that read, "YoonGi. 12 May Year 22. Everyone must have their reason for wanting to be dead. And for wanting to be alive. Why did JungKook feel like dying? And what did he live for?"
The post instantly drew several "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON" comments in addition to a few "here we go again" ones, but mostly, it has sent Yoongi and Jungkook fans into a frenzy, with many asking: "Will Yoonkook get their happy ending?"

One fan shared, "At least Taejoon have each other...why are Yoonkook so angsty wtf," referring to another ship that stems from the Bangtan Universe — Taehyung and Namjoom (or RM). Another fan stated, "It’s just in BTS' storyline Yoonkook just never got a happy needing like they deserved, it has taken its toll on me." One fan quipped, "Yoonkook will get their happy ending if we all just block smeraldo."
They added, "Knowing Yoonkook's relationship in HYYH. Knowing how they could both relate to each other and how they suddenly became the closest friends. This hurts so much, they deserve a happy ending." 'HYYH' refers to the 'Hwa Yang Yeon Hwa' series, More commonly known as the 'Most Beautiful Moment in Life Trilogy', the BTS era that kicked off in 2015 and ended the following May and included two mini-albums and one compilation album. This particular era was notable for its focus on softer thematic elements that looked at the adventures of youth.
But despite Yongkook having developed a seemingly close bond during that era, Smeraldo evidently has other plans for them, and fans cannot handle this new development. One fan shared, "THAT HURT BRO," and another said, "IF I DONT GET YOONKOOK HAPPY ENDING I WILL SUE." Only time will tell where this pair ends up.