'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' Season 7 Episode 8 sees Jake and Doug Judy's bromance hit the next level

Almost a year ago, a Redditor had shared an insight that no one, at least no ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ fan, would disagree with: “Jake and Doug Judy are the greatest bromances in TV history. Change my mind.”
‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’, NBC’s cop sitcom, has no dearth of friendships.
Take Scully and Hitchcock for example. And then there are the frenemies (though not anymore) in the form of Holt and Wuntch. But the one lasting bromance on the show that has always melted hearts is between Jake Peralta and Doug Judy. A cop and a criminal.
Episode 8 of the show’s Season 7 saw the friendship hit a rock though. Doug was getting married and Jake was sad that he hadn’t invited him to the wedding. Doug said he did not want to invite Jake because all his criminal friends would feel awkward with a cop in the mix.
Doug then told Jake that he could come to the bachelor party as a fellow criminal. If all went down smoothly, he’d be invited to the wedding as well. But all did not go down smoothly. Not only did Doug’s friends commit grand larceny while at the bachelor party, but they also found out that Jake was not a criminal, rather he was a cop. And even though they pulled a “reverse-heist”, Jake ultimately arrested them, leaving Doug miffed.
Jake and Doug’s bromance began in the show’s first season when Doug was known as the “Pontiac Bandit”, a car thief who had eluded Jake for years. In Season 2 Episode 10, they were reunited when Peralta and Rosa arrested Doug. But he cuts a deal to help the two detectives bring down Tito Ruiz and his local giggle pig production ring. And he once again got away.
Dough appears once a season, casts his magic on the viewers, and disappears again. But eventually, the chase led to a friendship that both Jake and Doug cherish. Which is why things looked bleak in this episode. But not for long. It turned out, at the end of the episode, that Doug had not only planned for Jake to arrest his buddies — he did not want thugs to be at his wedding and telling them that would have just been awkward — he also had a surprise.
Just like in the third season of Showtime’s “serial killer of serial killers” drama ‘Dexter’, when the titular antagonist asks his friend Assistant District Attorney of Miami Miguel Prado to be his best man, Doug Judy asks Jake Peralta to be his best man at the wedding. Criminals asking their lawmen best friends to be a part of their biggest day is not a trope one sees too often on TV. But when it does play out, it always warms the heart.
'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' Season 7 airs on Thursdays, at 8.30 pm only on NBC.