Who is Brooke Ryan? 16-yr-old found dead in bedroom with deodorant can in hand

Brooke Ryan, 16, was discovered dead in her bedroom three months ago on February 3 by her mother Anne Ryan with a spray can of deodorant in her hand. Inhalant abuse is a worrisome trend among adolescents and teenagers, according to public health specialists.
The Sydney Morning Herald reported that Brooke, an excellent athlete and brilliant student had apparently been sniffing aerosols. On Thursday, February 3, it was around mid-afternoon when Brooke, who was on her L-plates, had been practicing driving with her mother all morning. Brooke was planning a weekend getaway in Mildura before commencing year 11 studies the following week.
Anne stated, "I wake up, I think of her, I go to sleep and think of her, and you wish, you wish [you could bring her back], but you just can’t. Every day is a nightmare." Brooke leaves behind her mother Anne, her father Deon, who works as sewage plant manager, three older brothers, her boyfriend, and a large circle of acquaintances. She wanted to be a lawyer, physiotherapist, or beautician and planned to study Advanced English.
Brooke even struggled with anxiety, particularly during the pandemic, but she had a lot of help and was determined to overcome it. "She was a beautiful girl with a heart of gold, who's just so sorely missed, and would be absolutely devastated to know the negative impact she's had on so many people from her death," Anne added.
The coroner's report is still pending, but Anne believes it was due to sudden sniffing death syndrome, a documented side effect of inhalant use. Brooke's body was bruised, indicating that she suffered a heart attack. Anne had no idea her daughter was taking inhalants and is sharing her experience to warn other parents about the risks. A clinical toxicologist at the NSW Poisons Information Centre, Dr. Ingrid Berling, has discovered worrisome evidence of an increase in inhalant use among youngsters.
Between 2017 and 2020, enquiries to the NSW Poisons Information Centre about inhalant use nearly doubled, according to Berling. The most serious side effect of inhalants, according to the toxicologist, is sudden sniffing death syndrome, which is how Brooke died. While this is a rare occurrence, it could happen to anyone at any time, regardless of their usage frequency. Reduced consciousness, convulsions, nausea, and vomiting are all possible side effects. Consistent use can harm the brain.