Who is '90 Day Fiance The Other Way' couple Brittany and Yazan? A look into their relationship and what went wrong

If '90 Day Fiance The Other Way' gave us anything to look forward to, it was the absolute train wreck that was Brittany Banks and Yazan Abu Harirah's relationship. The couple, who met through Yazan's sister, who lives in the US, quickly ended up as what can only be described as a hot mess of a relationship. Apart from the fact that she stays in the US and Yazan lives in Jordan, the two also led vastly different lives before they dated. Even so, they managed to find their way to each other, even if it was short-lived. Their time on the show was all sorts of messy – heavy resistance from his family, secrets, cheating allegations and even death threats led to couple calling it off. However, off-camera, the heat still HASN'T simmered down yet – Brittany has very often taken to Instagram to bash Yazan's behaviour, and recently, we even saw her father calling him out as well.
Let's take a look at this controversial couple and their explosive relationship, where it went right and where it went oh so terribly wrong. Read further to know more.

Brittany and Yazan led vastly different lives
Seriously, talk about chalk and cheese. Brittany is a rapper and a model. She also told the audience at the start of the season that she always tended to date much older men, usually ones that could spoil her through and through, and that Yazan was a completely different change of pace for her. While she claimed to be in love with him, she had no immediate intention to give her fabulous lifestyle, although she was willing to make changes and compromise, seeing that she was ready to move to Jordan for him.
Yazan on the hand is an engineer who currently helps with the family business. Being a practising Muslim, Yazan was hoping that Brittany would settle into his Jordanian way of life. We all saw how that went...
At the start of their season, Brittany was the one with all the secrets
Namely the fact that she still hadn't gone through with her divorce. While Yazan and his family were aware that she was married before (they didn't seem to have an issue with this), they were quite adamant for the couple to get married as soon as Brittany arrived in Jordan, seeing that it was unacceptable for the two to be a couple publicly and that the family would rather have them hitched, seeing that their relationship was already public. This was a big no-no from Brittany's end - it gave her no time to know her future husband (and seeing that they literally fought the second she got off the plane, time was of the essence) and she technically still a married woman. This is where the initial set of problems began - the more Brittany kept stalling, the more Yazan's family got impatient.
There was heavy pressure for her to convert to Islam as Brittany converting to Islam seemed like one of the most important factors to Yazan's family, unfortunately, Brittany had no intension of doing so and was not okay with the pressure either. She made it plenty clear that she'd be willing to see what it was all about. But after meeting Yazan's parents and Yazan's mother going off on Brittany, the relationship looked like it wouldn't be able to stand it. Add snooping family members who accused Brittany of doing porn, Yazan getting thrown out of the house, his father threatening to kill Yazan if he continued their relationship, the resistance from every end seemed to be just ridiculous. Towards the end of their relationship, Brittany seemed like she was just stringing Yazan along, while Yazan just wanted a way out.
Also, Adam Lebzo, the couple translator deserves a special mention, if anything had a chance to make this relationship work, it would have to be Adam. Language barriers are unbelievably common on the show and if you're like Jihoon and Devan, whose translator machine deserves its own comedy segment, miscommunication is a very real problem. Seriously TLC, hire Adam Lebzo - he seemed like the couple's only saving grace!
Brittany claims that Yazan is NOTHING like his TV persona
Remember the first episode that featured these two? Yazan got so mad at Brittany who had just gotten off a flight, for hugging a man and carrying alcohol - while Brittany should've definitely checked up Jordanian culture, Yazan could've handled the situation so much better. But post the season, Brittany took to Instagram (in a now-deleted post) to reveal that apparently, Yazan's favourite drink is 'Jack Daniels and that loves to cheat with 90 Day Fiancé fans'. More recently, Brittany's father Greg called Yazan out for allegedly cheating on his daughter, stealing from her and also being abusive towards her. Looks like the drama between these two is far from over.
While the couple hasn't officially broken up, they've most certainly moved on – Yazan recently posted a picture introducing his new girlfriend, Lulu. Although apart, the former couple still takes to social media to bash each other. Guess we'll only know that's the deal with them once '90 Day Fiancé Bares All' airs in the New Year.
The first episode of '90 Day Fiancé Bares All' drops on January 4, 2020. You can watch the weekly episodes on DISCOVERY +. You can also rewatch all the episodes of '90 Day Fiance The Other Way' on TLC and Hulu.