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Britney Spears slams dad Jamie for 'abusing' and 'punishing' her, says 'there's no justice' in fresh attack

Britney Spears tweeted, 'For me … They hurt me and I did absolutely nothing wrong … I have no justice at all in my eyes … at all !!!'
Britney Spears shared a two-minute audio clip as well as a series of tweets attacking her father Jamie Spears for hurting her (Forbes screenshot/ YouTube, Alberto E Rodriguez/Getty Images)
Britney Spears shared a two-minute audio clip as well as a series of tweets attacking her father Jamie Spears for hurting her (Forbes screenshot/ YouTube, Alberto E Rodriguez/Getty Images)

CALABASAS, NEW YORK: 'Toxic' singer Britney Spears lashed out at her father, Jamie Spears, in a series of tweets on Monday, October 17. The tweets had even strong allegations about how she was talked to in an "abusive" manner and was "punished for no reason." The 'Oops! I did it again' artist recently stated to her mother, Lynne Spears, who asked for forgiveness to " take your apology and go f*** yourself !!!"

The tweet thread that carries seven tweets also has a video of her. The Grammy-winning singer who has 56 million followers on Twitter claimed, "I’m posting this for the second time today because I believe in a world where we all deserve justice !!! 15 years in a system of secretive and manipulative abuse …"


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She then added, "JUST ENDING IT has never been good enough for me and it will never be !!! I was talked to abusively and punished." Later, she added, "For no reason at all … I believe in consequences … I believe I have absolutely nothing to prove on the whereabouts of what was done to me …" Further, she explained, "It is all known !!! With that being said, people who have mistreated me on that kind of scale just ending the system is not good enough." 



In another tweet she added, "For me … They hurt me and I did absolutely nothing wrong … I have no justice at all in my eyes … at all !!! The court system ended it TWO YEARS after I told them about 15 years of my abuse … my home friends jumping up and down when the judge ruled it to be over … a metaphor."


Further, she stated, "To join the cliche yet when I called them in that place they said it’s not illegal but it may seem illegal with what they are doing … because what your in is DIFFERENT … different my a** !!! It’s been many months since it has been over … my wish is to take my father to a place."


However, she claimed in another tweet," … take his car away … his home away … his door to privacy away … sit him down 7 days a week from 8 am to 6 pm being asked questions and people treating him like a science experience … monitoring his food … no phone … nurses watch him shower and dress … I want him to go."


Later, she stated, "All through those things with no f*****g reason at all and have him call his family and they say WE DON’T KNOW !!! I’d like to see the state of California sit back and have 4 security men at a trailer house for months telling him he can’t ever leave !!! I’d like to see how he." Further, she stated, "Would feel … but see, that will never happen !!! The only good thing that happened for me was that it ended !!! I don’t see how they get to walk away so easily and get away with what was done to me … the world has shown me and the world only that cruelty wins !!!"



As previously reported by MEAWW, Britney has been in the news for various reasons. Her issues with her parents were also depicted as she shared an audio clip on her Instagram where she reflected on the “pain” her father inflicted upon her during her 13-year conservatorship. In her caption, she stated, “Sorry I will never forget because of the pain and the difference in being out of my head clear moving my feet … its only been 10 months since the conservatorship has ended." 


She continued, “I wouldn’t wish that kind of pain on anyone!!! It’s extremely hard for me to accept the fact that my family did that to me … it will be hard for me for the rest of my life” adding, “As for my Mom and Dad who sat back and hid coffee from me at the house to wake me up from feeling dead and scared like an old lady and threw me away I will say it loud and proud, I pray you both burn in hell.” However, the post was deleted later on. Similarly, though the conservatorship ended in November 2021, 'The hold me closer' singer still seems to be in a continuous feud with her family.