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'Bridgerton' Season 3: Reasons why Anthony Bridgerton and Siena Rosso's emotional break up will forever be our Roman Empire

Bridgerton's portrayal of Anthony Bridgerton and Siena Rosso's ill-fated romance sparks discussions on love
Despite their passionate affair, Anthony Bridgerton and Siena Rosso's love story ultimately succumbs (@netflix)
Despite their passionate affair, Anthony Bridgerton and Siena Rosso's love story ultimately succumbs (@netflix)

Contains spoilers for 'Bridgerton'

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: Remember Anthony Bridgerton's (Jonathan Bailey) passionate romance with opera singer Siena Rosso (Sabrina Bartlett) in 'Bridgerton' Season 1? It seems like a distant memory now, overshadowed by his dramatic love story with Kate Sharma (Simone Ashley) in Season 2. But what caused the fiery Viscount to walk away from his first love?

Let's shed some light into the captivating tale of Anthony and Siena's ill-fated romance as we explore the tumultuous events that led to their heartbreaking split. From the heights of forbidden love to the depths of betrayal, their story unfolds amidst the opulent backdrop of Regency London, leaving a lasting impression on Bridgerton worldwide

In the intoxicating world of 'Bridgerton', love affairs are as dramatic as they are enchanting. As fans eagerly anticipate the third season, fans still upset over the emotional rollercoaster of Anthony Bridgerton and Siena Rosso's breakup.

Societal pressures leads to Anthony and Siena's breakup

Anthony and Siena's fiery romance in Bridgerton season 1 crumbles under the weight of societal expectations (@netflix)
Anthony Bridgerton and Siena Rosso's fiery romance in Bridgerton Season 1 crumbles under the weight of societal expectations (@netflix)

Anthony and Siena's passionate romance in Bridgerton Season 1 couldn't overcome societal barriers. Despite their love, Anthony, a viscount, and Siena, a self-made opera singer, belonged to two different worlds. Anthony, burdened by his familial duties and the pressure to uphold his late father's legacy, feels compelled to marry into high society.

Despite his genuine affection for Siena, an opera singer, he struggles with the idea of a long-term commitment due to her lower social status. The viscount's adherence to societal norms and his desire for a suitable wife clash with Siena's artistic spirit and unconventional lifestyle.

Throughout Season 1, Anthony's identity crisis and conflicting priorities contribute to the end of their budding romance. He vacillates between his duty as the Viscount Bridgerton and his desires, unable to fully commit to Siena while grappling with his societal obligations.

Why Anthony & Siena's split still remains a heart touching topic for internet?

Internet debates the reasons behind Anthony and Siena's breakup, from love versus duty to class differences (@netflix)
Internet still debates the reasons behind Anthony Bridgerton and Siena Rosso's breakup (@netflix)

Even after Anthony has found his love forever in Kate Sharma, the reasons behind this epic breakup, a topic that continues to spark debate and fervent 'shipping' on Reddit. Was it a love story for the ages, tragically cut short? Or were they destined to fail from the start?

Let's revisit the feels and analyze why Anthony and Siena's 'Roman Empire' of love still holds a special place in the hearts of 'Bridgerton' fans. Despite moments of passion and intimacy, Anthony's insecurities and fear of societal judgment ultimately drive a wedge between them.

Pointing this out a user wrote: "Anthony not processing his trauma and being afraid of deep, true committed love is why he chose someone like Sienna. It doesn’t mean his feelings for Sienna weren’t real… it’s the same as when women choose men they know are emotionally unavailable and won’t settle down. They can develop feelings for them but they are subconsciously choosing someone that won’t work because they are terrified of choosing something real and honest because then they would have to be completely vulnerable which can be terrifying if you have a history of trauma."

Anthony and Siena's love still holds a special place in the hearts of Bridgerton fans, shedding light on how it wasn't necessarily a love meant to last but it was good for the character development, a user wrote, "I think I’m in the minority on this sub but I think you can love somebody who’s not your soulmate and who’s not right for you, and who may not even love you back. Whatever Anthony had with Siena changed him, but it didn’t make him grow and mature the way his love for Kate did. It didn’t bring him closer to his family or help him relax into his role as viscount the way his love for Kate did. Quite the opposite. You have to remember that at the end of S1, he swears off love because of what happened with Siena. Kate was primal for him, though, and blasted through the walls he put up."

Talking about the difference in their world and class, another fan wrote: "I think it’s more like, he could have loved her and he did have strong feelings for her. But he never really let go and let himself fall in love with her because he knew it could never work out between them long term. She couldn’t become the viscountess."

Following this another user penned: "Anthony had feelings for Sienna, but it wasn’t love. She could never be his wife if he were to stay in the town. She would never be accepted, and he would lose his status."

Meanwhile, another fan stated how they were never meant to be together: "Nah. Anthony never wanted to really love anyone. Siena was never going to be a real possibility, and they both knew it. That made her safe. He never had any interest in the idea of love, or considered it necessary, until it basically slapped him in the face and he was forced to confront it."

Another user predicted a angle which could have occurred in Season 3 (2 years ago) and wrote: "I heard somewhere that Sienna will come back in S3 and act as a test to Kanthony’s marriage. It will be an interesting angle." However, this prediction doesn't have any backbone as the Season 3 primarily focuses on Colin Bridgerton and Penelope Featherington. 

One more fan disapproving of other user's claim of 'Anthony not loving Siena' wrote: "Yes, I think he did. He was so heartbroken after they broke up - so much so that he gave up on love. Even after meeting his soulmate in Kate it took eons to admit and accept that he loved her and that he shouldn’t run away from that love. Part of that was his trauma over his father but part of it was definitely Siena too. Plus he didn’t just view her as an escape. He meant to provide for her even after he died, if he had died at the duel."

Their love burned brightly, filled with passion and intensity. It felt like a force to be reckoned with, much like the vast reach of the Roman Empire. Despite its initial strength, societal pressures and class differences ultimately brought their love down.

While their love story was captivating, it was ultimately a temporary chapter in their lives. While they had a strong connection, it could be argued that their love wasn't built on a deep foundation.

'Bridgerton' trailer


'Bridgerton' is available for streaming on Netflix.