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'Bride & Prejudice: Forbidden Love': Will two out of three couples part ways on commitment day?

In the past few weeks, everyone has put in a lot of effort to make their parents believe that they have made the right decision about their partners
Chris Williams, Blair Bathory (Lifetime)
Chris Williams, Blair Bathory (Lifetime)

As 'Bride and Prejudice: Forbidden Love' nears Commitment Day, couples must take a final call on whether or not they wish to take their relationship forward. Owing to religion, age and lineage, all three couples have had to face disapproval from their families. And in the past few weeks, everyone, individually, has put in their best efforts to make the parent folks believe that they have made the right decision.

Kiandria 'KeeKee' Demone and Kareem Allen

Kiandria Demone, Kareem Allen (Lifetime)

The once-in-love couple who were ready to go any length to make it work may not take the leap after all, especially after what transpired in Episode 8 (April 15). KeeKee and Kareem broke into an explosive fight over her not wanting to film a segment with her 6-year-old son. Kareem yelled to the extent where KeeKee had to leave the scene. The viewers have seen glimpses of Kareem's aggressive behavior earlier, especially during heated arguments with his fiancee, but most were willing to bet on the couple to go the whole hog. However, that looks unlikely given how their relationship has panned out. 

Moreover, Marveline (KeeKee's mother) and Tia (Kareem's mother) both have openly expressed how they should drop the idea of getting married. The couple should take a few more years before they can even think of committing to something this important.

Willi Cohen and Cameron Heinen

Cameron Heinen, Willi Cohen (Lifetime)

They are in love but their religion stands in the way. Willi is a jew and Cameron a Christian. Willi's parents want him converted but Cameron has stood his ground. He has rejected the possibility of him embracing Judaism. However, previously, he had promised to learn about Willi's religion and explore the idea a bit more. In Episode 9, we see Cameron going down on one knee to propose to Willi but she seemed unsure and said: "I don't know how I could do that." So, will they get together? Only time will tell.

Blair Bathory and Chris Williams

Chris' father was very accommodating and accepting of their relationship, but Blair's mother Kelly always thought Chris' "bad boy" image is not healthy for her daughter. Chris is heavily inked, rides motorcycles and has a Korean lineage. In an ideal world, these wouldn't even be an issue. But for Kelly, more inking is a problem, the bike rides need to disappear and the race is a massive letdown. She has pushed Chris to the limits but he hasn't lost it yet because Blair is very much with him on this. Of the three, Chris and Blair look like the only couple who would make it out engaged-to-be-married. However, it's still too early to predict.

Catch all the new episodes of 'Bride and Prejudice: Forbidden Love' on Lifetime every Wednesday.