'Botched': Brontee feels like a 'monster' after car crash left her face disfigured and stole her smile

A horrific car accident left Brontee afraid to look at the mirror and after spending a lot of time hating what she had to look at, she finally decided to seek help from the 'Botched' doctors to help fix her face.
Brontee revealed the incident took place when she was heading to buy some things from the store along with her boyfriend. On their way, their car was hit by another car and it was later known that the driver of the other car was drunk. Brontee was immediately rushed to the hospital as she recalled she did not realize she was injured until her lap was filled with blood.
Once she reached the hospital, she had to wait overnight as there was no surgeon to treat her. She remembered having shards of glass still stuck on her cheeks and they were the reason her cheeks were slit into half. Brontee revealed the doctors tried to remove the glass pieces overnight but none of them stitched the wounds. Dr Paul Nassif was surprised to hear this and revealed this action had done her more wrong than good. He explained by leaving the wounds open, there was a high chance of it getting infected. Brontee further revealed that after the accident she did not see her face for two days in the mirror.
Onc she did, she was not happy with what she saw. Brontee recalls feeling like a monster and a deformed person but the most heartbreaking thing for her was to see her mother's heartbreak after she saw her injuries. Brontee revealed another thing that bothered her was the fact that she could not smile properly. She confessed to feeling like her cheeks were pushing back whenever she tried to smile. At the same time, she was not happy with the way her cheeks moved and twitched because of her smile. Dr Paul decided to help her out and hinted he would be able to help her smile again.
Dr Paul explained he would be removing the fullness from her cheeks and then tightening the skin there. The next step would be to bring back the fullness on her face and this was going to be done by taking fat from her stomach to fill up the area that was affected. Once he got to the surgery, Dr Paul was happy to find that none of her nerves were affected.
As stated, he performed the surgery and everything went successfully. As the surgery came to an end, Dr Paul revealed he was going to help Brontee throughout her healing journey. He made sure to help her out with the swelling and Brontee was now happy that her face was getting better.
'Botched' airs on Mondays at 9 pm ET on E!