911 call shows adults tried to save Bode Miller's 19-month-old daughter for several minutes after she drowned

Even as Bode Miller and family are mourning the June 10 death of their youngest child, 19-month-old daughter Emeline Grier Miller, the Orange County Fire department has released the 911 call that was placed just minutes before Emeline drowned in a neighbor's pool.
The call, obtained by TMZ, was dialed by a woman who was present during the incident. The unnamed women can be heard telling the 911 operator that the baby had been taken out of the pool.
She then notes that someone is trying to give CPR to the 19-month-old. The operator then asks the lady if Emeline was breathing, and she said no. At one point, in the call, the person who was giving CPR could be heard saying that he could feel a “small pulse.” They later tried to turn Emeline to their side in the hopes of getting the water out of her lungs. One can hear someone in the background screaming that “the water just keeps coming out,” while the woman on the phone keeps saying, “C'mon baby girl!”
The call lasted for about five minutes after which one can hear the firefighters arriving. Emmy was then taken to the hospital but doctors were unable to resuscitate her.
Bode opened up about the tragic loss in a statement which he posted on his Instagram. "We are beyond devastated. Our baby girl, Emmy, passed away yesterday. Never in a million years did we think we would experience a pain like this. Her love, her light, her spirit will never be forgotten. Our little girl loved life and lived it to it’s fullest every day. Our family respectfully requests privacy during this painful time," he wrote at that time.
Following the loss, Bode came forward and thanked the fans for their wishes and support during the “impossible time” that the family has been going through. “Thank you for all the love and support and to our midwives Lindsey Meehleis and Courtney Kellis for helping us find the support our family needs during this impossible time,” he wrote on Instagram along with a picture that showed him holding Emeline.
According to Page Six, Bode and his wife, Morgan Beck, were at their neighbor's house when Emeline somehow ended up in the water and drowned. Orange County Sheriff’s Office spokesperson Carrie Braun said Emeline’s death was being looked into as a “tragic accident.” While thanking the fans, Bode also posted links to a “food train” website where the neighbors or people can bring meals as they grieve their loss. At the same time, they started a GoFundMe page looking to raise $40,000 for medical and memorial services costs.
Both of these were set up by the family’s midwife, Lindsey Meehleis. “As the Miller family navigates through the path of grief and sorrow that no parents should ever have to experience, I would like to call on the community and ask to help take the burden off of the mountainous medical bills that will soon pile in and the memorial service costs,” she wrote on Facebook.