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'Blindspot' Season 5 Episode 2: Jane has a daughter too, fans ask why is the focus only on Kurt's emotions

Fans are rather miffed that no one seems to remember that Jane Doe has a daughter as well and she deserves just as much empathy as Kurt
Jane Doe and Kurt Wells (NBC)
Jane Doe and Kurt Wells (NBC)

'Blindspot' is not just about thrilling action and gunning down criminals, it's also about family, love and friendship. Lately, the FBI fugitives have been in a bit of a flux, as they just lost an intrinsic part of their lives. Edgar Reade (Rob Brown) died in the drone strike, which was ordered by Madeline Burke (Mary Elizabeth). He sacrificed himself to save Tasha, and fans have not been able to recover from that smarting loss just as yet.

Along with this grief, there are other things weighing on the minds of the team, including the bleak possibility of being reunited with their families again. As Madeline is pulling the strings and has framed them conveniently, they have to be extra cautious about their hideout. In the latest episode, Patterson (Ashley Johnson) had to reach out to her father Bill Nye, in order to gain access to a science conference in Helsinki, Finland. While these father-daughter moments are treasured, Kurt Wells (Sullivan Stapleton) is missing his daughter and hoped to be reunited with her. Unfortunately, that's going to take a while, as Madeline has thwarted their plans, once again. 

Yet, fans are rather miffed that no one seems to remember that Jane Doe (Jaime Alexander) has a daughter as well and are questioning the focus on Kurt's emotions when Jane deserves just as much empathy. "I'm also upset, I really want Jane improving her bonds with her daughter, she deserves to be happy!" tweeted a fan. "I miss Jane's story: how she deals with the aftermath of torture, with the relationship that needs to be rebuilt with Avery, with everything she's been through alone for 18 months, with Roman's absence. Only Kurt's feelings appear," the fan pointed out in the same thread. 

"@NBCBlindspot @martingero. Disappointed here because Jane also has a daughter that you forgot... and she being a mother suffers as much as Kurt for also being away from his daughter! #Blindspot@CarlaBrolia@neidecarvalho56," wrote another viewer. Meanwhile, other fans are wondering why Jane wasn't in action, during this episode and missed her badassery. "#blindspot second episode that jane is not in the action, what is happening?" wrote a fan.

'Blindspot' airs on Thursdays at 9 pm on NBC.