'Blindspot' Season 5 Episode 1: Madeline gets more sinister, fans call her a 'cold-hearted psycho b***h'

It's the final season of NBC's thriller 'Blindspot' and the first episode premiered on May 7. While there was enough action to go around, there were also many tears as we had to bid goodbye to Reade. He sacrificed himself to save Tasha after the Icelandic drone strike, orchestrated by the sinister Madeline (Mary Elizabeth).
There wasn't enough time to grieve, as the team had to regroup after separating for two months and rescue Rich Dotcom from a CIA black site, where he was being tortured. Their mission was successful, despite their distraught state of mind. At the end of the episode, the team pays a tribute to their friend, Reade.
While their familial bonds remain strong, Madeline is growing more insidious than ever. At the end of the episode, she is seen near a peculiar machine that has a man trapped in it. She watches him slowly die. It's going to take all the intelligence and resourcefulness the team has, to bring her down.
Producer Martin Gero told TVLine, "She's incredibly ruthless. And she's winning is the thing. We've never had a Big Bad just win so hard against the team, and so that's not something we can bounce back from right away. She's got all the cards. We have almost none. We have incredibly limited resources and no protection under the law. It really makes the team be resourceful in a way they never had to be.."
Meanwhile, fans just want her killed off as soon as possible and say they're getting tired of her. A fan tweeted, "Madeline is one cold harded fukn pscho bitch...."
"Why is she still alive?' a fan tweeted.
"#Blindspot I hate this old hag, Madeline is giving these mercenaries payment in some type of prototype that can kill humans, wtf," wrote another fan.
"Aight. It’s time to wrap Madeline’s ass up," another fan tweeted.
"I know I won’t always like a bad guy in these types of show. I know you need them. But I really just don’t like the Madeline character. She’s boring, annoying and overdone at the same time. Didn’t think that would be possible," wrote another fan.
"Madeline is one CRAZY ASS BITCH!!!" a fan wrote.
What does Madeline have in store now? Tune in to NBC on Thursdays at 9 pm.