Why is Black Twitter trending? Internet compares 'White on White crime' at Capitol riots to BLM 'thugs'

Hundreds of pro-Trump supporters took over the Capitol after taking the president's claims of voter fraud seriously and attempting to overturn his election defeat. On Wednesday, January 6, one woman was killed in the mayhem that followed after a mob stormed the US Capitol and disrupted the meeting of the Electoral College. The FBI had also disarmed two suspected explosive devices and announced the Capitol secure only four hours after the attack. America went to hell and back during this attack.
Amid this violence, Black Twitter started trending on the social media site. People started sharing videos and memes, some expressing shock and others trying to find humor in the difficult situation. The trend Black Twitter was mostly comprised of hilarious tweets and videos. "Only Black Twitter can have a sense of humour during trying times," one tweeted. "Black Twitter is that plant that thrives on, negativity, violence, and dark humour, bringing others down makes some sleep better I guess," another pointed out. A user shared quite the perfect tweet about the situation. "Black twitter replacing trauma with comedy," followed by a gif. "No matter how serious the subject is Black Twitter always has the power of a switch to make the situation funnier," another added.
Black twitter replacing trauma with comedy: pic.twitter.com/EZRuW2DPaB
— Thee Bully (@Puff_Iya) January 7, 2021
Only Black Twitter can have a sense of humour during trying times 😫
— King Cersei 👑 (@malianaC) January 7, 2021
Black Twitter is that plant that thrives on, negativity, violence, and dark humour, bringing others down makes some sleep better I guess 🤷
— roger makau (@makaur) October 7, 2020
No matter how serious the subject is Black Twitter always has the power of a switch to make the situation funnier pic.twitter.com/gks7htmoeZ
— Avdol Supremacy (@Youreavergae) January 7, 2021
Amid all these (really top quality) jokes, there also a few moments of truth. Some tweets shared by the people also contained "facts". One pointed out referring to the Black Lives Matter movement, "We marched because we were getting killed, y'all are rioting because you didn't get your way...we are not the same."
Black twitter always spitting facts pic.twitter.com/xxb0416h83
— dakuitami 🥀 (@SendTheNudesHoe) January 7, 2021
Following the brutal killing of George Floyd, massive protests took over America. At the time, Trump and his supporters had trashed the Black Lives Matter movement even going to the lengths of calling it to a halt at any possible point. Trump, who previously characterized Black Lives Matter protesters as "thugs," said on Twitter that the people involved in the riots were "great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long."
So obviously the Black Lives Matter movement did get a mention during the US Capitol riots. "Black Twitter and the few white folks who were down with the blm movement right now," one added. Another pointed out the fact that this all is interesting to watch provided how "they called us thugs all summer". "America: We are under attack by our own government! It's time to start a revolution! Black Twitter," a user tweeted.
Black Twitter and the few white folks who were down with the blm movement right now 😂 pic.twitter.com/ukmc3C7Ysk
— Telo712 (@tetelolo) January 7, 2021
Black Twitter watching the white on white crime go down after they called us thugs all summer: pic.twitter.com/hIjE2n9KXt
— tay (@_tayykay) January 7, 2021
America: We are under attack by our own government! It's time to start a revolution!
— Ghostlyk (Ghost-like) (@theghostlyk) January 7, 2021
Black Twitter: pic.twitter.com/Q2aSrTMNxz
Many civil rights leaders also blasted law enforcement agencies for their slow response to rioters, noting the massive show of police force in place for Black Lives Matter demonstrations last year, something Black Twitter just pointed out. "When Black folks are protesting and progressives are protesting peacefully they were tear-gassed, they were arrested, they were shot with rubber bullets. They were shot with real bullets," said Derrick Johnson, president of the national NAACP. "We watched it take place all summer long when people were peacefully demonstrating."