'Black Ink Crew Chicago': Why Kitty's relationship with Ryan and Jessica will be in focus in upcoming episodes

Kitty Sovain's personal and professional life will get tested in the remaining episodes of 'Black Ink Crew Chicago' Season 6. Previously, we saw how Ryan Henry denied being in a relationship with her and now her nemesis, Jessica, who had been missing in action before the show went on a mid-season break.
Despite their differences, heavily pregnant Charmain Walker shared that she will be hiring Jessica as an extra "help" so that 2nd City Ink functions smoothly. But Kitty is not going to be very happy about the changes that are to come. The moment Jessica arrives, she makes it clear that she will be resuming her role as the managing partner of the firm, which doesn't go down well with Kitty and they end up getting into a verbal spat.
Will their sour equation affect the growth and business of 2nd City Ink? The chances are high given the fight that ensued. However, let's hope it doesn't come to that and they are able to put their issues aside and work like two level-headed individuals who are more concerned about the job at hand than inflamed egos.
It's looking like a bad phase for Kitty, and things are only going to get worse with Ryan backing out of their relationship. Even though she put up a solid front when Ryan informed that he will be going on a vacation with Rachel Leigh and their son, you could sense that she was deeply affected by that information. Ryan and Kitty make a good pair and share a good and healthy relationship. It would be a shame to see them part ways.
Ryan convinced Kitty to shift base from New York to Chicago and she did. Kitty asked if Ryan could make a tattoo on her, he readily obliged and traveled to her home with his shop packed in a bag. Clearly, they are ready to do what it takes to keep their friendship alive but it's just a matter of time before they realize that they can be more than friends and still be happy.
Catch all the new episodes of 'Black Ink Crew Chicago' Season 6 on VH1 every Monday.