'Black Ink Crew: Chicago' Season 6 Episode 1: Charmaine sets up her new shop, but is it just to get back at Ryan?

'Black Ink Crew Chicago' returned with season 6 and the drama has only gotten better, and a tad bitter. There are clear elements of rivalry, revenge, grief, and anxiety.
The opening episode was one emotional roller coaster. But, the highlight of it all was Charmaine setting up her own shop - Second City Ink. What looked like a huge feat at the time turned out to be just a ploy to settle old scores or was it? When Charmaine was with 9mag she was constantly poked fun at and thought of as less capable when compared to the boys at the parlor, which didn't go down well with her and she decided to take the exit and make her own living.
Ryan, who is now struggling with his emotions, once fired Charmaine and since then, there's been no looking back for her. How the tables have turned. Charmaine is happy and in a good place, everything is going well for her. She has employees, friends and a business partner she can count on and yet, somewhere there's something bothering her. The Second City Ink team was celebrating at a pub when 9mg folks entered and sort of pushed all the wrong buttons, forcing Charmaine to confront Ryan.
Clearly, she had been piling up emotions, collecting every insult and waiting patiently for the right moment to hit back. But, it isn't the best time, wish she knew what Ryan was up to before going all This Is Sparta on him, albeit verbally.
Meanwhile, the viewers are divided in their take on Charmaine's approach in the maiden episode. While some cheered her for taking such a huge step, and showing the world how it's done, whereas there were a few who thought she could have picked a different day because Ryan was going through a lot that day.
"So Charmaine this is a revenge stunt cuz you got fired?! This is an expensive revenge stunt hunny #BlackInkCrewCHI #BlackInkChi," a fan expressed. Another wrote: ''I can’t get with Charmaine playing this victim role when she was calling Ryan all kinda names! She was exhibiting the same behavior she’s condemning them for! She was shading too! #BLACKINKchi."
Pretty opposite viewpoints. As mentioned earlier, it's either pro-Charmaine or pro-Ryan, which side are you on?