Businessman hires hitman who hires hitman who hires hitman who asks 'target' to fake his own death

A court in Southern China had to deal with sentencing six men to prison for attempted murder in a hit job that got completely screwed up.
The job ended up being subcontracted several times. As per the Nanning Intermediate People’s Court in Guangxi, a real estate businessman by the name Tan Youhui hired a hitman to take out his rival Wei, who was suing Tan. The hitman kept half of the 2 million yuan ($280,000) Tan had paid him and hired another hitman to do the job.
The job was contracted around three more times until the 5th hitman was hired with an offer of 100,000 yuan ($14,000) to do the job. Since the value of the contract had fallen so drastically, the last hitman told the target to fake his own death. As reported by Metro, this eventually resulted in the police finding out about the terribly orchestrated crime.
Tan Youhui and all the hitmen were convicted of attempted murder by the court in Nanning, Guangxi, post a trial of three years.
The original dispute had started in 2013 when Wei decided to sue real estate developer Tan. Tan was very worried that he would lose the court battle and so hired a hitman called Xi Guangan to kill Wei.
However, Xi went on to contact a third hitman Yang Kangsheng to subcontracted the job to another hitman Yang Guangsheng for a smaller fee. The contract eventually reached a fifth hitman Ling Xiansi who reported the incident to the authorities. Tan who hired hitman number 1 was sentenced to prison for five years.
The first hitman Xi was sentenced to three years and six months. Both Yang Kangsheng and Yang Guangsheng were sentenced to three years and three months. The fourth hitman Mo was sentenced to three years while Ling was sentenced to two years and seven months.