Bill Maher takes a dig at Biden voters, says 'we can't blame everything' on Donald Trump anymore

Back in 2016, in the wake of Donald Trump’s historic victory in the Presidential Election, comedian, political commentator, and television host Bill Maher said, "Enjoy your victory, Trump voters, because when you're dying because you don't have health insurance to treat the infection you got from a back-alley abortion you had to get because of fetal lead-poisoning, you can say to yourself, 'at least I didn't vote for someone with a private email server.'"
As Joe Biden entered office as the 46th US president, Maher now had a message for his voters and Trump’s critics. On the January 22 episode of ‘Real Time with Bill Maher’, he said: “Now that we've gotten rid of Trump, we're faced with this problem as Americans… Now we can't blame everything on him. Now we gotta look in the mirror and we'll find out in the next hundred days, like, if it was all Trump who was the bad guy."
In classic Maher fashion, he took the role of the contrarian and said, “I've said from the beginning with the virus, he certainly played his part horribly, horribly beginning with getting that little team out of China that could've stopped the whole f***in’ thing to begin with, but it's also, I think, on the American medical establishment that never told the American people the best way you can handle this is get yourself in better shape, get your immune system better, stop eating s*** food and sugar and day drinking. They never had the guts to do that. They wouldn't even say the word 'obesity' on television. That would be fat-shaming. The code is now 'precondition.'"

But he did not fully dismiss Trump’s regime. Panelist Kmele Foster, a political commentator, and podcaster objected to Trump being characterized as a fascist. He said, “I often worry about giving the man too much credit, and I worry about using words that are highly charged, that may not, in fact, illuminate the conversation in a way that we really want to.”
But Maher was quick to retort. “Except that — I agree with that in theory, but there’s a lot of definitions of fascism, I’ve heard many over the years, from learned people. But I think the one thing we can all line up behind, it is this idea that might makes right, and that we don’t respect democratic norms,” Maher said. “If you can’t call [fascist] what the people who wanted to undo the election, that even the Republican judges and politicians said was fairly called, I don’t know what fascism is. Then what definition do we have for it? That is fascism.”
In 2013, Trump, then just a real estate mogul, sued Maher for $5 million. Maher had appeared on Jay Leno’s ‘The Tonight Show’ and joked that he would donate $5 million to a charity if Trump could prove he wasn't the "the spawn of his mother having sex with an orangutan. I'm not saying it's true. I hope it's not true, but unless he comes up with proof... I'm willing to offer $5 million to Donald Trump that he can donate to a charity of his choice — Hair Club for Men; The Institute for Incorrigible Douche-bag-ery. Whatever charity.”