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Bill and Hillary Clinton wish Trump and Melania 'speedy recovery', receive praise for 'taking the high road'

The former president and his wife took to social media to post identical statements on Friday, October 2, from their respective Twitter handles after Trump was airlifted to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
(Getty Images)
(Getty Images)

Bill and Hillary Clinton have both wished Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump a 'speedy recovery' after they confirmed that they had tested positive for coronavirus. 

The former president and his wife had taken to social media to post identical statements on Friday night, October 2, from their respective Twitter handles after Trump was airlifted to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. Hillary was Trump's 2016 opponent in the presidential race. 

Their statements read, "We wish the President and First Lady a speedy recovery, and hope for the safety of the White House staff, the Secret Service, and others putting their lives on the line. This pandemic has affected so many. We must continue to protect ourselves, our families, and communities."


The White House had revealed that Trump would be moved to Walter Reed as a precautionary measure and would be monitored there for the next couple of days. The Clinton's received a lot of praise from social media users for putting their differences aside and wishing the Trumps a speedy recovery. 

One such user shared, "Class is all we have seen from our folks, and I would expect nothing less. I fear what it would look like if the tables were turned." A few social media users had pointed out how Trump had previously mocked Hillary when she had pneumonia. One such user had commented and written, "In fact, he mocked her when she WAS sick, during the last election when she had pneumonia." Another social media user had praised the Clintons for their graceful move and had shared, "Trump supporters, as you may have never actually seen this before, this is what is commonly referred to as 'taking the high road'." 




"I will always be awe struck by your ability to be so gracious. If I did one thing right in my life it was choosing to support you with everything I have decades ago. You have made me proud every single day with the example you set. Thank you for being Hillary Rodham Clinton!" wrote another social media user. Yet another social media user commented and said, "Your continued grace and class leaves me in awe. I so wish the 2016 election had turned out differently. Thank you for sticking with us during these challenging times."



Former POTUS Barack Obama had also shared his 'best wishes' to Trump post his coronavirus diagnosis. Obama had shared that even during "big political battles" it is important to remember that "we're all American, and we're all human beings." 

Obama shared that he and his wife Michelle Obama are wishing the Trumps a speedy recovery and for anyone who has been affected by the coronavirus across the country. "Although we're in the midst of a big political fight, and we take that very seriously, we also want to extend our best wishes to the president of the United States, the First Lady," Obama said while speaking at a virtual fundraiser with vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris. 

"Michelle and I are hopeful that they and others that have been affected by COVID-19 around the country are getting the care that they need, that they are going to be on the path to a speedy recovery, and it's important I think for all of us to remember that even when we're in the midst of big political battles with issues that have a lot at stake, that we're all Americans and we're all human beings, and we want to make sure everybody is healthy."