Bill Clinton seen vacationing in Dominican Republic despite mysterious deaths of 13 American tourists

Former president Bill Clinton seems to be adamant to not let anything get in the way of his vacation—not even a series of mysterious deaths.
The 72-year-old politician was seen golfing with his buddies and taking selfies with the locals in the Dominican Republic—the island country where as many as 13 Americans have mysteriously died in recent months.

Clinton was seen relaxing at the Tortuga Bay hotel in Punta Cana and didn't seem too bothered about the recent panic on the island.
Tourists visiting the islands have died suddenly despite being extremely healthy and fit when they arrived there.

Since June 2018, 13 Americans have died in a series of tragic, mysterious incidents.
Most recently, it was reported that Vittorio Caruso, 56, of Glen Cove, died on June 17 under mysterious circumstances at Boca Chica Resort in Santo Domingo.
The government has dismissed the deaths as being individual cases. The FBI is looking into the matter.

José Tomás Pérez, the Dominican ambassador to the United States, was excited to welcome the powerful guest through a tweet. "Welcome Bill Clinton to the DR. Your presence is the best message to Americans and the world about the safety and quality of our tourism," he said while sharing a photo of Clinton in a blue suit and neon pink sneakers taking selfies with the locals.
In a news release, the Tourism Ministry said that "the Clinton family, including his wife Hilary and his daughter Chelsea, have become regular guests of the Punta Cana coastline, which they visit at various times of the year".
“President Clinton is in the Dominican Republic spending time with friends. As I’m sure you’re aware, he’s been visiting the country for decades," Clinton spokesman Angel Urena told Fox News.

This vacation also comes in the midst of Jeffrey Epstein's sex trafficking case.
Epstein, who Clinton counted as one of his friends and had traveled with on many occasions, is now under scrutiny for charges of sex trafficking.
Clinton had earlier distanced himself from the situation saying that "Staff, supporters of the (Clinton) Foundation, and his Secret Service detail traveled on every leg of every trip."
However, it was reported in 2016 that flight logs reviewed by Fox News show Clinton took 26 trips aboard Epstein's Boeing 727 jet.