'Big Brother' Season 22: Nicole wins part 1 of the head of household competition beating Enzo and Cody

'Big Brother' Season 22 is in its last week and with three people left in the house, the competition is getting tough. Nicole Franzel, Cody Calafiore and Enzo Palumbo came together for the first part of the Head of Household competition. With this being the last week, it was no surprise that today's (October 26) competition was going to be a tough one.
The competition was going to focus on the endurance and strength of the contestants. With the theme of the entire event being Halloween, the spooky elements were right there for everyone to see. To make things more interesting, Cody, Enzo and Nicole were dressed as zombies who were ready to pounce on the rope set there for the competition.
The last task was titled 'Scarygo Round' and called for the contestants to maintain their position while standing on a small block that was stuck to a rope. Once they were ready, the scarygo round would start and they have to make sure that they do not fall off it.
The first one to lose their balance would be out of the competition. For a long time, the three of them tried to maintain their balance, but things became difficult when they were attacked with a gooey green slime. Enzo struggled to maintain his position as the green substance had gotten inside his ear. This led him to lose his balance and he was out of the competition.
This left Cody and Nicole. Cody wanted to win the competition to make sure he could be one step closer to the finale. However, he struggled as the green slime made his hand slip. Even though he managed to maintain his position, in the end, he failed to control his balance and fell.
This made Nicole win the competition. With Nicole winning the first round, the second round will see Enzo and Cody compete. Whoever wins that round would be going against Nicole in part 3 of the Head of the competition. With the competition coming to an end, there is no doubt things are getting tough, but in the end, only one can win.
'Big Brother' Season 22 airs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 8 pm ET on CBS.