'Big Brother' Season 22: Will Da'Vonne get eliminated this week? Memphis plots plan by blocking her and Kevin
Memphis Garrett managed to win the Head of Household for the second time and used the power to his advantage. The first time he got the position, he put David Alexander on the block. Even though David managed to save himself, Memphis and he have not been able to become friends since.
Throughout the episodes, Memphis made it clear that he wants David out of the game. The first time, he hinted that David is the least deserving cast member on the show. While David has since then managed to show that he is worthy of staying in the game, it looks like Memphis is not convinced.
It came as no surprise that he wanted to put David on the block again. However, due to his alliance, Memphis decided to take a different road. While Memphis thought David would be a good target, his alliance was quick to remind him how Da'Vonne Rogers and Kevin Campbell would be a better target.
Da'Vonne and Kevin have managed to become good friends as everyone else got out of the game. With Memphis having a strong alliance to back him, the duo knew it was important to play every little move to their advantage. Keeping this in mind, they had to make sure they won any power they could.
Unfortunately, the only person with power was David. Da'Vonne was convinced that she would be safe this week after seeing Memphis winning the HOH. She knew he had more problems with David and expected him to be nominated. However, she was shocked to find her name on the block.
This made Da'Vonne wonder if David could be trusted. Even though David explained he had nothing to do with Memphis' decision, she found it hard to believe. While Da'Vonne has her doubts, the chances of her getting eliminated are higher. Ever since Bayleigh Dayton got eliminated from the competition, people see her as the next target.
Memphis' alliance, which includes Nicole Franzel, Tyler Crispen, Cody Calafiore, Christmas Abbott, Dani Briones and Enzo Palumbo will always cast the same vote. Among these, the only person who has been close to Da'Vonne is Dani.
Dani and Da'Vonne had a fallout, but the girls managed to get back on the same page. Even though Dani had a chance to convince the others, it is likely that she won't. Seeing how she did not hesitate to put Ian Terry on the block, it won't be shocking to see Da'Vonne walkout this week.
With her being one of the top contenders, people might want her out of the game. However, one must remember that it is 'Big Brother' Season 22 and anything can change in the game at any time!
'Big Brother' Season 22 airs on Sundays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 8 pm ET on CBS.