'Big Brother' Season 22: Who won Power of Veto and safety competition this week? Here's everything we know

Spoilers for 'Big Brother' Season 22
Big Brother Season 22 brought 16 old contestants back into the house and gave them another chance to win big. While people had been eagerly waiting to see who would win the power of veto and the safety competition, it looks Big Brother Live feed spilled the details on this.
The show premiered on August 5 and since then a lot has been going on in the house. One thing that the viewers were introduced to in the season premiere was the safety room. A competition was held to get safety from the first week's elimination, as reported by Monsters and Critics. Kaysar Ridha won the competition and was asked to choose another contestant who he wanted to be safe from elimination. He went with Janelle Pierzina. This meant these two have saved their place in the first week. While Kaysar enjoyed safety, other people were focused on winning the power of veto (POV).
Cody Calafiore, Keesha Smith and Kevin Campbell were competing for this place, and later, Enzo Palumbo, Tyler Crispen, and Ian Terry got added in the competition. Six of them played the veto competition and it was finally revealed that Enzo won it. With this power, Enzo will have a chance to eliminate one of the house members.
He will have a chance to change the nominations or to keep it the same. While we will have to wait until the next episode to find out what happens, fans have not been happy with Enzo winning the competition. They thought it was unfair and Keesha should have been crowned as the new winner.
"Keesha targeted immediately, Enzo winning competitions....this is all wrong lolol," one user wrote after hearing about the win.
Keesha targeted immediately, Enzo winning competitions....this is all wrong lolol #BB22 pic.twitter.com/yScB2qckGw
— Alex Kidwell (@alexkidwell) August 9, 2020
"Enzo won the veto. Everyone start using all your birthday wishes 'cause it's going to take some work for Keesha to stay," wrote another who also thought Keesha would be leaving the house soon.
Enzo won the veto. Everyone start using all your birthday wishes 'cause it's going to take some work for Keesha to stay. #BB22
— Taran Armstrong (@ArmstrongTaran) August 9, 2020
"Enzo won. So Keesha and Kevin have to fight it out. #BB22 (Probably bye Keesha, which is tragic this early)," said another. While there is no confirmation on what Enzo has planned for the big elimination round, it looks like viewers are convinced that they would be bidding goodbye to Keesha. What do you think?
Enzo won. So Keesha and Kevin have to fight it out. #BB22 (Probably bye Keesha, which is tragic this early) pic.twitter.com/7Tr2v73VON
— Kristina (@stinaknits) August 9, 2020
'Big Brother' Season 22 airs on Sundays at 10 pm ET on CBS.