'Big Brother' Season 22: Who won the Head of Household and who is up for elimination this week?
Triple eviction turned things around in the house and it looks like some of the cast members are scared of how the game would change. Last week, due to the triple eviction the house lost Kevin Campbell, David Alexander, and Dani Briones. However, the most shocking moment on the show was to see Tyler Crispen and Christmas Abbot planning to out Nicole Franzel instead of Dani.
Throughout the show, Christmas and Tyler had been close and when the time came, the two plotted to change the game with the help of Enzo Palumbo. The trio had decided they would vote Nicole out of the game instead of Dani. However, in the end, Enzo changed his mind and voted Dani out of the game.
Seeing them trying to vote Nicole out, the other cast members were not happy. While they were surprised to see Christmas and Tyler working together, some of them knew it was important to tear them apart. In the latest episode (October 5), the house had a Head of Household (HOH) competition. Tyler could not take part as he was crowned the HOH recently. This left Christmas, Nicole, Cody Calafiore, Memphis Garrett and Enzo to fight for the place. In today's competition, the cast members had to perform yoga poses and make sure they do not remove their hand or body from the button.
If they did, their time increased. The person with the shortest time would win. In the end, Cody won the competition and this ignited fear in the minds of Tyler and Christmas as they were sure it would ruin their game plan. Cody planned on putting Tyler and Christmas on the block because he wanted Tyler on his side.
However, Tyler felt he would be gone if he is put up for elimination. After a lot of thinking, Cody finally decided to make his choice. He put Tyler and Christmas on the block in the hope that he could save Tyler in the end. With Memphis, Enzo, and Nicole wanting Tyler out of the game, it looks like the only option he has in hand is to win the Power of Veto (POV).
'Big Brother' Season 22 airs on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8 pm ET on CBS.